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OKHey - sorry - I have posted 'similar' post before but keep going round in circles as I have no idea what I am talking about. Narrowed down to Edge Juice with Attitude -as it taps the Vp44 Pros - seems very responsive and powerfulCons - might blow my stocktransmission TS MVPProds - plug and play and up to 100HP [supposedly]Cons - if at 100HP could still do tranny damage - can I really get 100HP without tapping the VP44 Smarty Pros - good timing advance and good reviews - increase MPG ?Cons - will I feel it ? Will it give me extra MPG ? Doesn't Tap the VP44 thoughts/ratings ??then I need to BUY this thing !!! Any1 got any to sell second hand ?? thanks

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I would beef up the trans first before you buy it... Now after you beefed up the trans I would run the Edge Juice or edge Comp on 5x5. I'm pulling normally 20-21 AVG MPG topping out at 25.3 MPG... More you turn it up the more timing and fuel you'll get but the auto trans is the weak link in the pile. Like Today I got back from a long loop to Boise, ID and back pulling 21 MPG for the trip... Not bad in my book...


The Smarty is an awesome programmer!! you will definetly notice it!! The only downside is its not adjustable on the fly. You didn't list quadzilla adrenaline? any reason why? Most power programs and custom tuning. I agree with moparman you should do some tranny work. shift kit torque inverter at the minimum!! The stock one won't last long behind any of above programmers! Unless you have a really light foot.


Smarty is one of the harshest on a trans because of the fact it remove part of the TQ management and allow the the engine to beat the hell out of the trans.

It depends on what program you are running, its Not so bad with the Smarty REVO, with about 100 settings available you can set it from mild to wild. But it is not a power adder and from my experience it did little for milage but the drivability was next to none and SOP factor was fun too. But for ease of simplicity and bang for the buck I would go with the Edge. They are plentiful and easy to find reasonable used ones.

. I agree with moparman you should do some tranny work. shift kit torque inverter at the minimum!! The stock one won't last long behind any of above programmers! Unless you have a really light foot.

X3. Been there before. You worry so much about destroying your tranny that the extra power becomes more of a burden. Like these guys have already said, beef up your transmission first. I ran an Edge EZ with a stock transmission for years and the tranny held up well. It's not real exciting to drive but it does give a noticeable power increase and mileage increase (if you drive it easy).

ok - yeah I almost always just end up doing what Michael says - I just have it ask it 3 different ways. Well I ended up getting 1 second hand [edge juice] - and going to modify my exhaust as well.Going to start out slowly on levels 1-3 ...... obviously I don't think the tranny will hold 4-5 very often .... if at all :shrug: so have made a few calls on a complete transmission rebuild. Found some for around $2700 - $3000k ........ do I really need to go 'billet' shaft if I am only doing around 350-400 hp ? (Basically stock + edge + bhaf + 4" exhaust) Appreciate the patience and advice :) Go Kansas !


Found some for around $2700 - $3000k ........ do I really need to go 'billet' shaft if I am only doing around 350-400 hp ? (Basically stock + edge + bhaf + 4" exhaust) Appreciate the patience and advice :) Go Kansas !

If it is a daily driver I would say no to the Billet but if you tow a lot it becomes a crap shoot. There are lots who have snapped a stock input shaft with nothing but an edge EZ while towing. I say do it once do it right 700 now will save you another 3k++ in the future. I would consider it good insurance if you tow. That is the only shaft I would do. If you break an output shaft it can be easily replaced without a tranny removal. I did my output shaft in about 3 hours.

If you plan on ever doing any sled pulling or many boosted launches at least billet input! And I know we've all been there I will only use level 1-3! But that lasts all of 3 freakin days cause we all have the same issue, you get a litlle taste you want more! soon will come the injectors,turbo,cam,injection pump,water meth......etc LOL! So better off spending the money and doing right once!


ok - ok :) Getting the picture now ........ haha :ahhh: Maybe I should change the title of the thread to 'How to have wife approve spending 5k on my truck and still get to sleep in the same bed ' :) I have never had a truck - in fact - I was always one of those guys with a v6 gas sedan that had his oil changed at 'quicklube' etc ..... my wife calls it 'puss-i-fication' ............... not sure if thats ok to post here - but now I have 'Cummins' ....... :woot: So - off to change my oil, fix my map lights, install my edge, change my exhaust - and then work on that tranny :) lmao


hahahahahaha ................... :lmao: You need to meet my wife .......................... good luck ...... plus I like getting some in the morning - this diesel stuff is pretty friggin cool - but not 'THAT' cool :)



qq on install for edge juice

I have existing guages for fuel pressure and transmission temperature.

Can I just 'piggy back' the edge harness for each component to the existing sensors ?

So that the fuel pressure sensor will send signal back to isspro gauge AS WELL as the edge monitor


same for the transmission temperature port ?

Also - can I run the edge just tapped into the VP44 and appropriate bosst fuse and grounds - i.e not installed EGT probe etc - will it work or try and defuel as safety features etc ??


---------- Post added at 02:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:37 PM ----------

Should have said - reason I ask is I don't have a tapping thread - and need to get one - so want to know if I can install and run truck without for a week etc ............. as well as the q's above on the guages/edge monitor using same fuel/transmission sensors


---------- Post added at 08:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:22 PM ----------

Any1 ?


Hi MIchael Thx for response. I got my NPT tap and drill today. Just finished installing my 4"" SS Bully Dog exhaust tonight. So this week sometime edge (weather). Since I have transmission temp and fuel pressure - do I need to hook these up to edge then ? I like the manual guages - and would then just use edge to control power levels and monitor EGT's and boost etc. Will this cause any problems ? thx m8


Man.I take it all back.Every single last bit of it. Just installed my edge - and by the time I got to level 5 I DIN"T WANT TO COME HOME !!! this thing rocks :hyper: rocks :thumbup2: rocks :tongue: I almost don't even care about MPG anymore :) *joke* yeah baby - go baby Just like "mike lowrey" in bad boyz - "FROM NOW ON .... thats how you drive " !!!! :) thx guys


Now your gonna start stacking chips and break the thing in half :lol: I put mine back to stock so I wouldn't be tearing it up as much when I decide to be hard on it. I had to pass someone after I did that. It was back all the way up the next day :lmao:


Heheyeah I hear ypu on that :) Hopefully once the 'buzz' wears off it'll be ok and stay mainly on 1-3.Actuallyh - I was suprised at how much pickup I have even at those levels - seems much much more responsive and powerful :)

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