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Well, I got to use the Freightliner quite a bit today. Any ways she is back to full power. Enter highways from the ramp when all the cars go to the left to allow right of way and pass that big slow truck :thumb1:, they get quite the run for their money, I lay onto the accelerator, and they find them selves going alot faster to get around me. Also, at the bridge toll, 3 tolls wide, big blue took the lead up the grade to the bridge, left all the cars behind. It has always been a fast truck since I got it. Has some real tall gears. top speed of 85 mph at 2500 RPM governed. It has a 3.31 rear axle, and runs on 22.5 tires, so yeah it is long legged.Any ways after a 45 minute run home on the highway, I got out my infared temperature gauge and check the critical temps. Out door ambient +14 degrees, VP44 computer 50 degrees, pump body 46 degrees, fuel in tank 30 degrees, all fuel components cool to the touch. Considering the fuel tank was in a wind chill and had fuel in it at 30 degrees is a good indicator that the fuel is definitely getting good flow.Well, I am happy now, thanks for all the help and suggestions.Bob

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awesome...where did you get your pump from?

I got it from Blue Chip, supposedly it has a 1 year unlimited warranty, and the failed VP44 is still under warranty with them (less then a year old), so of course that is where I got it.

I got it from Blue Chip, supposedly it has a 1 year unlimited warranty, and the failed VP44 is still under warranty with them (less then a year old), so of course that is where I got it.

Flman, Glad to hear it all worked out to your satisfaction. Smart idea, about spotting all the pertinent temps with your sensor!! I need to get one myself, just keep forgetting about it. Just out of curiosity; How did you find Blue Chip handled the warranty issue for you? Any complaints from you about the process?

Flman, Glad to hear it all worked out to your satisfaction. Smart idea, about spotting all the pertinent temps with your sensor!! I need to get one myself, just keep forgetting about it. Just out of curiosity; How did you find Blue Chip handled the warranty issue for you? Any complaints from you about the process?

Thanks a bunch every one. Being in the refrigeration biz, knowing temps is very important. The warranty process is open until the pump is torn down and the failure is determined, I should know by next week, I will let you know how it all works out.

WOO HOO!! I got a warranty Replacement!! :thumb1::thumb1:

Here is Chips email about the warranty and fuel pressures, they seem to go with the general concensus at this forum.


Hello Bob,

I feel your frustration daily. I don't understand why Bosch can't build better computers. I suspect the real issue is the lead free solder that the tree huggers have caused all of us to use these days. It seems to me that computers on VP44s fail early on if they are going to fail, so consider the glass as being half full in your case. You got the replacement under warranty!

As for optimum fuel pressure, back then there was no lift pump available that could make 10 psi under load, so that is one of the reasons we decided to do our test. My opinion based on experience is that 10-15 psi is optimum at all tiimes.

Yes we got the pumps.

Have a great day, Chip Fisher

End of quote.

There you go, Chip does not endorse 5 PSI.


That's great!:thumb1: Maybe the thread you sent him helped him with his decision? LOL Man if I was him I would be doing everything in his power to state his beliefs that 5 psi is the WRONG figure! I don't know about everyone else, but when I go shopping for parts (whether it is for the truck or any other equipment) if someone is not giving me good info I take my $'s elsewhere! My name is my REPUTATION, so should anyone's that is in business.


Chip seems to have a good rep on the WWW, and in my book as well. What can I say, he is stubborn, and says that test is what it is. 1999, no lift pump was putting out 10 PSI, WOT at the time. I guess his page is sort of like a rambling, instead of all information.


i wonder if he would mine voting in the poll on this forum? you know make it as "official" as the page everyone quotesglad you hear your pump is alive and kick'n...and under warranty!


Chip is all business, I don't think he wants to participate in forums, he helps his customers, and potential customers. It would not help his rep if he joined a forum and some one started a pissing contest with him. Some times less is more. Chip has to speak for him self, I am just a customer to him, and I find him to be very helpful and offer great service.

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