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Cummins Technical Support by Phone

I will provide phone support to people. I will have to ask for $40 an hour for my time and assisting you. The first hour is paid in full all subsequent hours will be charged in 0.1 of hour intervals. I will be invoicing your account directly here on the site after the call. Make sure your real name and phone number are correct in your profile. I will use these to identify you.

Make an Appointment on the Calendar

Please make an appointment on the calendar below for the time you want to phone support. This way we can pencil out an area of time and you can have my full attention for your issue. Make sure to set it up as a single event, and the time your wanting from me. 

Example: Making an appoint for 12 pm to 1 pm on October 5, 2020.


Hours of operation

Please keep hours of operation in consideration. If you need after hours support will be at $60 an hour. Please contact me for special arrangements. 

  • Open - Monday thru Friday 9am to 5pm
  • Closed - Saturday and Sunday. 

Once the appointment is made I will call you at the set time.