The combination, dual function Intake Manifold Air Temperature Sensor/MAP Sensor is installed into the top of the intake manifold with the sensor element extending into the air stream. The IAT portion of the sensor provides an input voltage to the Engine Control Module (ECM) indicating intake manifold air temperature. The MAP portion of the sensor provides an input voltage to the ECM indicating turbocharger boost pressure.
The combination, dual function Intake Manifold Air Temperature Sensor/MAP (IAT/MAP) (3) sensor is installed into the intake air connection manifold, -below, and to the rear of the EGR valve (5).
1. Clean area around sensor.
2. Disconnect electrical connector (2) from IAT/MAP sensor.
3. Remove mounting screw (4).
4. Remove sensor from manifold.
5. Check condition of sensor O-ring.
The combination, dual function Intake Manifold Air Temperature Sensor/MAP (lAT/MAP) (3) sensor is installed into the intake air connection manifold, below, and to the rear of the EGR valve (5).
1. Check condition of sensor a-ring.
2. Clean sensor mounting area at intake manifold.
3. Lubricate sensor O·ring and sensor mounting hole in intake manifold with clean engine oil.
4. Position sensor (3) into intake manifold.
5. Install and tighten sensor mounting screw (4) to 1 N·m (9 in. Ibs.) torque.
.6. Connect electrical connector (2) to sensor.
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