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How to replace a door jam switch.

Lucky for us dodge did this right as the switch is stupid easy to replace, and only requires what you likely already have in your pocket!


Locate the switch and take off all the electrical tape that holds on a chunk of tubing that you put there to push the button in further so you didn't have to listen to the buzzer all the way home from your 200 mile trip (hence you're replacing it).

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Now take your trusty pocket knife and pry out on the tab, the switch should pop out.

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Now take you're new switch you've had for quite some time in preparation of this very moment (BWD P#S1034).


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Disconnect the old switch and connect the new one, there doesn't appear to be any orientation, so just throw it in there! 

Now insure that the little collet is pushed to the back of the switch so it will slide in the hole.  As the top one is in this next picture.



Now just push it in the hole until it snaps in place!



There you have it!  Done in a matter of minutes.


Tech tip:  If you're taking pictures of the processes, and your camera runs out of battery causing you to have to go back to the house to get another set, do not close the door with the switch hanging out...



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