Everything pertaining to fuel system. This includes injection pumps, injectors, lift pumps, filters, etc.
3 Cummins articles in this category
Injector Line or Injector failures Grid Heater Light If your grid heater light comes on while driving is a sign of a high return rate to the fuel tank or the fuel pressure in the rail is dropping. In my case, I was traveling towards McCall ID and climbing a grade with my utility trailer. All of a sudden the grid heater light comes on and chimes multiple times. Which I thought was weird. I had to complete my climb up the grade for a safe spot to pull over. Once I did get pulled over I s
Remove and Replace Fuel Injectors First step you need to have all your tools ready and clean place to layout parts in the assembly order. Make things a bit easier take a moment and disconnect the 2 plugs going to the valve cover. Grab a 10mm wrench or a short socket on a ratchet. There are 6 bolts holding the valve cover in place. You don't need to pull the bolts out of the cover just loosen and leave till you lift the valve cover off. Now you should see this below. You are goin
Replacing injectors on a CR engine isn't much different that changing injectors on a 24V. There is a few differences but the process is the same. First you need to make sure the fuel rail area is clean. Best to take a power washer and blow all the crud and dirt off the fuel rail side of the head. Remove the intake horn and grid heater. Pack a few rags in the intake to prevent anything from falling in by chance. Now you need to remove the fuel rail and all the