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Hello Everyone!

Today I will be writing up the ultimate guide for all of the FASS (Fuel Air Separation System) products.

I'll start with some brief history on my truck. I first put a FASS system on my truck after finding that my replacement Dodge In-tank Replacement fuel module was failing the lift pump pressure test.  The Dodge In-tank pump was barely producing 8psi at idle which is below commonly acceptable standards of no less then 15psi.

I contacted Walt (Wally) at FTE Diesel about the situation. I had already bought gauges from him (my first major modification), and was happy to send repeat business after he was very helpful.

He told me that based on my plans for the truck the best thing to get was a FASS 95 series pump. This is the Titanium Series of the old days, which is now called the HD Series.

Basic Overview of the Different FASS Systems


The name DDRP conjures a lot and if you have read the reports then you guessed right its called the DDRP for (Direct Dodge Replacement Pump).

Unlike the Carter pumps, this one flows much better at approximately 75gph (2.5 times the Cater pump). The DDRP has had a lot of bad press, and they were considered “Junk”. And by many standards still are. However, I believe that with the correct pre-filter this pump can be made reliable.

Using a GDP mounting kit can allow you to add a good pre-filter; I advise you put this filter infront of your DDRP so it can save the DDRP from eating all of the crud that will be in your tank. This will save the DDRP from known harm, often of which doomed many Carter pumps from the start.

Avg cost 200-350 dollars.

FASS Platinum Series

The FASS Platinum Series in my opinion is northing more then the full sized pump attached to a filter base. While a step up from the DDRP it allows for filtering of fuel before it gets to your engine, unlike the DDRP which doesn’t filter at all.

Do I think its worth the full price tag of about ~$500 dollars, I don’t think so, especially when you can get the HD Series or Titanium Series for a bit more.

Avg cost ~$450-550.

FASS Titanium Series

The FASS Titanium Series is the now known version for our pickup trucks. There are two versions now; This Version runs smaller filters then the HD series however the HD series can still be used on our trucks. I have a HD series that was re-geared with 95gph gears.

The Titanium Series like the HD series are reputable pumps, but unless you have an overt need to have massive fuel flow I suggest the Titanium Series will work for most if not all relevant applications.

Avg cost ~$500-600 dollars.

FASS HD Series

The FASS HD Series was at one time the only real version of the FASS System. The 95GPH version featured shorter filters so it would fit up under the truck better then its 150GPH cousin.

However with the costs of this system getting to topple 700 bucks expect reliability.

Avg cost ~$625-725

Choosing a Pump System

You should really choose your pump system and fuel flow based on current and future needs for the truck. You must think of where your truck is going, and if you can stand to have something break.

For near stock or stock power levels a FASS DDRP is fine. But its advised to get a good pre-filter so you can filter out most of the large crud that could cause your pump to go out on you. And this is a major reason why the stock Carter lift pumps would die often taking their expensive VP-44 injection pumps with them.

For those with horse power gains up to 450-500 HP a FASS 95gph pump will do fine. But you should at least upgrade to a Titanium Series pump. This will also allow you to upgrade your fuel line as well, the stock 1/4” fuel line is not enough, so FASS provides you with some 3/8’s fuel line.

For those who are seeking 500HP and over expect to run a 150 GPH series pump, and ½” fuel line as well. Anything less then ½” will show especially on your fuel pressure levels as well.


Well my first pump was a FASS, and if I got another one it would be a FASS also. I am not knocking Air Dogg, or Raptor, but the design of the system its self is what makes these pumps worth it. Regardless of your choice of mfg expect a reliable design.

How the System Works



(Image taken from FASS webpage HERE)

The Fuel enters first from the right side, where the water is filtered out along with all particles above 144 micron. The fuel and elements (fewer than 144 Micron) are then sent through the fuel pump and then filters through the other side of the fuel filter, where you can see the clean airless fuel is drawn up and the return overflow takes air combined with the remaining fuel and sends it to the tank. The clean airless fuel is then sent to the engine.


Optional Accessories

Optional accessories for the FASS system are things like draw straws, fuel heater kits, and replacement Banjo bolts.

Draw Straw: A draw straw is a harden tube that is used for fuel pickup from the tank. This is often used when the FASS system is replacing a truck that had been converted to the in-tank pump conversion kit.


Optional diamenters are 5/8’s and ½”

Fuel Heater Kit: Another option is the fuel heater kit, this allows you to run an electrical heater element to warm up your diesel fuel before it gets to the engine. This also decreases fuel viscosity and allows for better fuel psi when in colder climates.

Replacement Banjo Bolts: These replace the stock Banjo Bolts on the Cummins ISB engine. The Banjo Bolts are a known restriction in the fuel supply system. Those who wish to upgrade to either 3/8”s or ½” line should note that these should also be upgraded, provided that your fuel pump kit doesn’t come with them.


What Comes In A FASS Kit?

My FASS 95GPH Pump came with replacement fuel line 3/8”s in diameter, (about 17 feet), replacement banjo bolts, a wiring harness with the proper fitting connectors to connect the FASS to the stock wiring harness, and a 30 am fuse on the negative side. Also included the Pump and warranty guide install instruction etic.

FASS Fuel Filters

Replacing your Fuel Filter is important!

Depending on the model types it’s recommended to replace them ever 30,000-50,000 miles depending on configuration and use type. Those who see good clean diesel need not replace them so often.

FASS Fuel Filter Cross Reference Table HD Series
Manufacturer Part Number Micron Rating
FASS FF-1010 10
FASS FF-1003 3
Baldwin BT-372-10 10
Carquest 85724 Unknown
Cim-Tek 70032 10
Cim-Tek 70213 3
Donaldson P569381 3
Donaldson P569383 9
Fleetguard FF5588 10
Fleetguard HF6338 10
Fleetguard HF6601 10
Fleetguard HF6604 3
Luber Finer LFH4922 Unknown
Luber Finer LFH8324 Unknown
NAPA 1202 5
NAPA 1724 10
WIX 51116 11
WIX 51202 5
WIX 51724 10
WIX A07A03C 3

FASS Fuel Water Seperator

Your fuel water separator should be replaced when you change fuel filters, but for those of you who feel they can go on forever there is a method of cleaning them.

Unscrew your FASS F/W Seperator and then pour in gasoline or alcohol and then shake her up, open the drain valve and drain it out, it should clean your filter without issue.


FASS Fuel Water Seperator Cross Reference Table HD Series
Manufacturer Part Number Micron Rating
FASS FS-1001 10
Baldwin BF1258 10
Baldwin BF1212 Unknown(est 3)
Baldwin BF1214 Unknown
CAT 1752949 Unknown
Donaldson P551000 10
Donaldson P551001 20
Donaldson P558000 20
Fleetguard FS1000 10
Fleetguard FS1001 10
Fleetguard FS1009 14
Fleetguard FS1212 14
Luber Finer LFF1223 Unknown
Luber Finer LFF8000 Unknown
Motorcraft FD816 Unknown
NAPA 3406 14
NAPA 3407 5
NAPA 3405 14
WIX 33407 5
WIX 33405 14

Again this is just a reference sheet !

For the FASS Titanium Series there is a word of warning.

Pepsi's Notes--WARNING!
In the Summer of 2010 ourfilter manufacturer relocated outside of the US and discontinued the production of the FF-2003 Fuel Filter. We made the change to an American made manufacturer which forced us to change the size of the fuel filter thread. However, the new thread size offers you a much larger selection of available cross references. If you currenty have an FF-2003 or FF-5712, those are the ONLY interchangable filters you can use with your current nipple. If you have the FWS-3003, Donaldson P553203 or the new silver fuel manifold highlighted to the left, then you have the new updated nipple. If you have the FF-2003 or FF5712 and would like to order the new filter nipple for more cross references ,simply call FASS and order Part# FSN-2001.

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