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  • DIY Tire Balancing

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    I've been doing some monkeying with balancing my own tires.  I’ve got a tire changer and do almost all my own tire changing.  But if it’s for a truck then I still had to get it balanced.  So I researched a product called “dyna beads” some of you may already know what they are.  They are small ceramic beads that go in the tire and automatically balance the tire.  I was considering them, cause the cost for one tire worth was cheaper then the cost to get one balanced.  And tires apparently wear better with the beads (according to the forums).  But that one side of me took over and I tried some BB’s.  Your everyday steel .177 BB’s you can get at Walmart.  They have been in different trucks for a couple years now with no issues.  After some research, the apparent problem with steel BB’s is the moisture in the tire will cause them to rust.  So I did some testing.  One of the trucks that has them has sat for months at a time, and the tire leaks slowly so it is aired up before a road trip.  I've never noticed any imbalance. 

    Here’s the chart to know how much to put in different size tires.  If yours is a dually, then you have to use the motorhome chart… haha


    So long story short, you can balance your own tires for $.75!



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