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Batteries Drained-No Power to Lift Pump-No Bus-No Start
By Rloosarow, 06/25/2021
  • 1 comment
  • Year 2001
  • Date of Manufacture (DOM) 10-00
  • Make Of Vehicle Dodge 3500
  • Size Of Engine 5.9L
  • Transmission 6-Speend Manual
  • Odometer 172000
  • 4WD or 2WD 4WD
  • Gear Ratio 3.73
  • Tire Size 235x85-16
  • VIN Number 1B7MF33721J545042




Just bought the truck a little of a month ago. Ran great but wanted to get ahead of weaknesses in the 2nd gen so I replaced the lift pump with an AirDog 150 which worked from first start with no issues. It had an Edge programmer installed along with a PacBrake exhaust brake but neither seemed to be functioning at 100% or in the case of the exhaust brake, it just didn't function at all.


I got the exhaust brake to work, kind of, by cleaning out the vacuum solenoid. The truck seemed to struggle going up in the RPM's in all gears so I figured I'd go ahead and replace the Edge with a Quadzilla Adrenaline. That really woke up the Cummins but because it is completely stock I never went up passed level 4.


Fast forward to last Thursday night. I completely my weekly 4 hour drive back to the house and shut her down for the night, no issues, she ran great. Later that night I noticed the rear tail lights were on so I fumbled with the key and the light switch and pulled a couple fuses but they just wouldn't turn off. It was late so I went to bed and figured I'd check them later in the weekend. Not a smart move. Sunday I went to start her up but the batteries were dead so I hooked up a charger. Turn the key on and cranked but no start. I noticed the lift pump wasn't coming on. I thought maybe it wasn't getting enough voltage or it burned out. AirDog showed me how to jump the wires so the pump will run constant with the jumper. Still no start with lift pump on. I cracked fuel lines 1 and 4 to see if there was air in the lines. I got fuel to come out of 4 but never got anything from 1 even after cranking several times. 


No Bus. I then noticed a "no bus" on the dash. Hmm. I thought maybe the Adrenaline might have failed during the battery recharge or after batteries drained or even something to do with the tail light staying on. I should mention I pulled the trailer fuse in order to get the tail lights to shut off. Interestingly the trailer fuse installed was a 40 amp instead of the recommended 20 or 30. Can't remember which the fuse cover shows. When I pulled the 40 amp fuse it was really hot to the tough. 


Getting back to the Adrenaline. I removed the Adrenaline from the system but still the "no bus", crank but no start and no fuel pressure to fuel line #1. I considered reinstalling the Edge because when removing both programmers there is what I'm guessing is a data plug left unplugged and there doesn't seem to be a place to plug it in where it sits. It sits just left of the VP44 coming off of the main harness. There are also 2 other plugs without a home near the driver side engine mount. I don't think either were plugged into the Edge before I took it out. Could they have been part of the OEM fuel filter? I'm thinking not because they didn't have a home when I installed the AirDog and had no issues with the AirDog for a couple weeks until this weekend.


I have attached some photos to help with troubleshooting. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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