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  • Mopar1973Man's Crankcase Vent

    Stock breather issues...

    The main issue with OEM crankcase vent is it is nothing more than a piece of hose mounted to the front of the gear case. The piece of hose elbows over the case and points down towards the ground. There are two versions of this crankcase. One involves a drip bottle mounted on the end of the hose and the other does not.

    A Technical Service Bulleting (TSB) was released on this issue as well: TSB (09-002-02 Crankcase Breather Overflow). This bulletin warns of a potential of extreme loss of oil from a truck descending at too steep of a slope while off-roading. During this loss of oil, oil also has been known to scatter all over the engine and radiator. This scattering of oil causes the collection of dust and dirt in the face of the radiator. This collection causes overheating issues for your truck.



    Even in with normal use, the cases that include a breather bottle can emit enough oil vapors make the radiator gunky with the collection dirt and dust.

    Another TSB on this issue is TSB 09-02-00 (A Heavy Oil Or Fuel-Like Odor Coming From the Diesel Engine Compartment). This bulletin was written about the foul heavy oil smell after an oil change. Although it is normal for some brand of oils to have this heavy smell anyway

    My own personal fix…




    Here is a short video of normal blow by...


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    User Feedback


       3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members

    Awesome instructions thank you so much for that!  You're effort madd this a super easy project.


    I did use a PVC pipe cutter rather than a hack saw and a band saw to cut the taper at the end of the outlet.





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    I have a 12 valve 5.9 in a 2000 F350 which has a crankcase pressure problem. It has a dual valve cover vent and the factory vent from the tappet cover. My oil drip is from the tappet cover vent, and nothing from the valve cover vent. I will try the front cover vent for added crankcase venting, and try to locate the source of crankcase pressure. willyC93

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