Cab Interior
Everything pertaining to cab interior. This is including stereo, air conditioning, heater, seats, flooring, etc.
2 Cummins articles in this category
Gauges There are several brands of gauges available for diesel engines. The four most important gauges for a Dodge Cummins truck are: 1. Fuel Pressure 2. Pyrometer 3. Boost Pressure 4. Transmission Temperature (Automatic Transmission) Fuel Pressure Here is a typical setup for a stock fuel system for tapping the bottom of the fuel filter housing.
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ScanGauge II Trip Computer Calibration Procedure Ok Gang...I got the ScanGauge II dialed in perfectly and extremely accurate now. I know exactly how todo and make the adjustment so it right near perfect. Fill up Procedure 1. Pick a fuel station that you're going to use as a calibration fill point.2. Pick a pump that you're going to use for filling. You must return to the very same pump inthe same direction!3. Fill