Just some background:I don't drive my 24v much anymore. 200,534 miles on the clock. In the last seven years I've only put 5200 miles on it. I last drove it three weeks ago and all was fine. This morning I turned the switch to on position and all the bells and such worked just fine. When I bumped the starter it would not turn over, just kind of drug but not fast enough to start. I cleaned the battrey cables and battrey posts, connected the battrey charger and It read "FULL CHARGE" so I tried to start it again but she would not go.I desided to drive my 97 GMC Sonoma which has not been started for a year, It was dead. I connected the battrey charger and It read "FULL CHARGE" but it was dead. I got my battrey jumper cables, connected them to my tractor and It started right up. I then connected the cables to the Dodge and It still would not crank or even turn over.My conclusion is that the battrey charger is worn out, probly from setting on the shelf in the garage. Tomorrow morning I will remove both batteries from the dodge and go have them tested. They are seven years old and if they are dead then that may be the fix, eather way I will install "HOT" batteries. If that does not solve the problem then I will start looking at the Starter and Solenoid. Is there anything else that would attribute to this current problem? All helpfull information will be apreciated.