Night lighting for the Dodge trucks I have sure has leftme wanting better.
I decided to add the full blown Brite Box to my '05 and to upgrade the bulbs inmy fog lights.
Now with my low beams on I can also use my fog lights (nothing new here overstock capability) that have the upgraded bulbs. This requires adding an adapterplug to accept the brighter capacity bulb. This gives me something like 40% more lumens that the stock bulb.
Now when I turn on high beams my low beams also stay on as well as my foglights will stay on also. This required adding the Brite Box electronics aswell as necessary adapter wiring and new fused power taps going directly toeach battery to power the set up. All the power required to run these lightsgoes through new Brite Box electronics and wiring harness.
The light improvement is a huge change.
Here is a picture of one of the electronic boxes as well as the day light viewof the lights with low beam on and one with high beam on.