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We are privately owned, with access to a professional Diesel Mechanic, who can provide additional support for Dodge Ram Cummins Diesel vehicles. Many detailed information is FREE and available to read. However, in order to interact directly with our Diesel Mechanic, Michael, by phone, via zoom, or as the web-based option, Subscription Plans are offered that will enable these and other features.  Go to the Subscription Page and Select a desired plan. At any time you wish to cancel the Subscription, click Subscription Page, select the 'Cancel' button, and it will be canceled. For your convenience, all subscriptions are on auto-renewal.


Hi all, 

First, thank you a million for all the awesome tech advice from this forum. The best one out there IMO.


Here is my dilemma...Long story short, I had the truck a couple years with no idea that it had security on it. I always used the button and key to lock/unlock. The other day I inadvertently armed it (and then set it off) when I used the power lock button instead of the manual button. I had a spare CTM so I tried it and that did not get it running. I tried unhooking the batteries and that did not work either. I read a lot about the VTSS since then and tried a lot of things. I suspect I put it into "power up" mode by disconnecting the batteries when it was armed/actively alarming. I have no red LED light on my overhead console. 


I contacted a dealer tech friend of mine who stopped by with the DRBIII. He confirmed that the VTSS is disabled on the truck (I assume that means it's in power up mode although it doesnt call it that). We checked all the inputs to the CTM, door ajar, power lock features, etc. But the one thing we could not get an input from was the door lock switch. According the factory service manual, the system can be "passively disarmed" with the key and "actively disarmed" with the fobs (which i did NOT get with the truck unfortunately). 


The issue with the no input from the door lock switches wouldnt be a problem usually but in my case I dont have any switches and the plug for them has nothing plugged into them and doesnt look like it has for a long time. One of the long time dealer techs said that in the early 2000's he as pretty sure Chrysler began to phase those out and integrated them into the lock/unlock actuator motor. Im not sure if that makes sense or not as the service manual shows the wiring for both? We can start the VTSS enable process by cycling the key for the door switch that I don't have LOL. I also looked for these switches and cannot find them anywhere?


I ordered replacement fobs for it also. Does anyone else know if I will be able to assign those to the truck BEFORE having the security enabled? I'm in a bit of a jam with this one. I have access to the tools I need but I need more information before I can plan my attack any further. 




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After some more digging, it seems those cylinder lock switches have been obsolete for a long time. Sounds like there were lots of problems with them. Go figure as many times as the door gets slammed shut. But Chrysler never replaced them, and it looks like they just relied on the use of the key fob for input in unlocking/disarming. Lame. 


But that also leads me to think that if the fobs are needed to initiate the process of enabling the VTSS then they must be programmable beforehand. 


The DRBIII said the PCM was stopping the truck from starting. Im guessing it's not sending signal to the ECM cause it's not seeing what it needs from the CTM. I'm just hoping I didnt brick the PCM somehow...


Anyone have thoughts?

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My alarm kept going off without any reason. I was using the key all the time because I am prone to losing my FOB. One day I pulled the drivers door panel and found the end of the cylinder lock with the wire coming off the end. If I held the wire by pulling on it gently in the direction of the door hinges, the alarm would not go off like it always did so annoyingly. I proceeded to use a series of zip ties to mimic the positioning of the wire when pulling on it. It, been 7 years since and the alarm sets off only once in a blue moon now. I think also being that I am lazy, I did not wrap the alarm control box with aluminum foil as so many have recommended, that cell phones will set it off. 


I hope you can get this figured out. I am not all that much of a techie, since I work hard still and do well enough as a day dreamer LOL.

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Got some further investigating done last night.


What happened:

I had an intermittent wiper issue. Multi function switch did not fix. I looked at the wiring diagram and thought CTM. Bought one, plugged it in, still not fixed. I had no issues with the "new" CTM so I left it in the truck. I failed to consider the security aspect. So when I accidentally armed the security, because I had no fobs with the replacement CTM I had no way to disarm it (not even passively with the key because Chrysler discontinued the door lock switches and they were not installed in the truck). So in an attempt to disarm the security I plugged in the old CTM that was originally in the truck when I had gotten it. It did not help and it did not like it.


Where I'm at:

We plugged in the old CTM and assigned the fobs to it. Keyless entry now works but we cannot enable the VTSS, the DRBIII will not let us. So we plugged in the CTM that was in it when the security was set off. When we do that the security will actively go off (lights flashing, security and light relays going off, etc). However, we get "no response" when trying to communicate with that CTM. So we cant disable or shut off the active alarm. 


I believe at this point I will need to send in the PCM to get the engine no-start condition unlocked.



Does anyone know if the highline CTM could be ordered WITHOUT security or keyless entry? I cannot find "optional VTSS/security" on my build sheet anywhere and we were not able to enable VTSS on the module that came in the truck. And this part of the service manual leads me to believe that VTSS was optional on the highline module? Im starting to wonder if I accidentally replaced a non security module with a security module and through a comedy of errors managed to arm the security on it and cant disarm it cause I didnt get fobs with it 🥴🧐



Edited by aharp

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Welcome To Mopar1973Man.Com LLC

We are privately owned, with access to a professional Diesel Mechanic, who can provide additional support for Dodge Ram Cummins Diesel vehicles. Many detailed information is FREE and available to read. However, in order to interact directly with our Diesel Mechanic, Michael, by phone, via zoom, or as the web-based option, Subscription Plans are offered that will enable these and other features.  Go to the Subscription Page and Select a desired plan. At any time you wish to cancel the Subscription, click Subscription Page, select the 'Cancel' button, and it will be canceled. For your convenience, all subscriptions are on auto-renewal.