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First off- very good site, stumbled on it in my searches for dodge info. It seems you guys answer questions instead of bashing people's ideas:thumb1:now for my question Does anyone know where to find a decent diagram of the 42 pin connector where the engine harness plugs into the PDC. (c130 in my diagram) I bought the mitchell diy thing yesterday turns out that was a waste of good money. When i told my local dealer what i am looking for they just told me they don't have it(seems like laziness to me) and that what i am trying to do can't be done, well i don't believe in CAN'T! My truck is an 01 1500 that had a 5.9 gas and auto trans. I swapped everything out of my 97 diesel in but the harnesses are alot differant. i bought just the engine harness and pcm from a 98 12v. It has the same connector on it but uses some differant pins than the gas. I'm planning on adapting the 12v harness to work on the 01 PDC if i can find the right diagrams for both trucks. I'm not worried about the fuel heater, it hasn't worked for years anyway. as for grid heaters they can easily be wired to a push button. basically all i'm trying to get is voltage regulator, temp guage, oil pressure, speedo, and maybe tach.Any ideas are welcomed!

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Here is the basic wiring of the 02 wiring under the hood... 01 should be really close... http://mopar.mopar1973man.com/cummins/2ndgen24v/wiring/wiring.htm Then here is the full 02 wiring diagrams. http://forum.mopar1973man.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=128 Then here is the full 97 wiring diagrams. http://forum.mopar1973man.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=129 From all this it should help ya...:hyper:


thanks for a fast reply. maybe i'm a dummy but i still have not found anything about the connector i'm dealing with in those diagrams. i don't know why none of the diagrams show it, i have over 100 pages here i printed from mitchell. C130 43 pin is on their connector location list but not shown in the diagrams


There is also the full 2001 Factory Service Manual, which has a huge wiring diagram section I believe there is a copy in the downloads section here or here are a couple of other links which I found the manual... 2001 - http://pdftown.com/Dodge-Ram-2001-Service-Manual.html 2001 alt - http://www.rm-indy.com/wavefiles/2001ramsrvcmanual.zip Unfortunately I haven't seen any FSMs before 2001, I've been looking for a 1995 but with no luck. Cheapest place I found was: Geno’s Garage - http://www.genosgarage.com/products.asp?dept=241 $43.95 (35.00+8.95S/H) - FSM CD

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:hyper:It runs!!! :hyper:Got the 98 harness and PCM hooked up today, had to modify a couple pins in the PDC to get it to work but thats because it was a gas truck, no biggie. factory tach, voltmeter, temp guage all working. as for the oil pressure turns out the 98 12v uses the same ridiculously overpriced sender as the 24v so i gotta find one of those.Have to do a little more wiring on the trans plugs to get back-up lights working, and make the o/d and trans temp lights shut off and i should be back on the roadforgot to mention i got all the pin-outs for the 98 PDC connector from the dealer, I taunted them long enough about it i'm pretty sure they would have given me a new truck just to get rid of me!

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