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I Have a ABS and Brake light that has come on, It is showing two codes in the computer. #1. Code 82. Number of tone ring teeth out of range. and #2. Code 51. Rear insulator valve open. What does this all mean? What do they have to do with the ABS and BRAKE lights? speedo works too. what about checking the HCU for any wires melted due water running into the connector? Does anybody got a code list of all the codes?

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Ok... First off I dont have a error code list that is double digit. The only error code list I got is the OBD II P code list. Now as for the BRAKE/ABS light being up and what information you've given. The ABS system I assume on your truck is a 4 wheel ABS right? If so there is 3 tone rings and 3 speed sensors. The tone ring and speed sensor in the rear controls the speedometer. so if you speedometer is working then this one is fine... But there is 2 more tone rings and speed sensors buried on the front axle. Now at this point you going to have to replace both sensor to be sure. Here is what information I got on the ABS controller... http://mopar.mopar1973man.com/cummins/2ndgen24v/abs/abs.htm As of the valve being open I'm not sure. It could be the result of the sensor failure. Speed sensor failure is really common.

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