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It is said to see all those in Congress line up behind this one term president, and give him this kind of power to destroy America, and he is not even a citizen. Barry Sotaro's party is the majority now, fools voted for change, and they are gonna get it right up the butt.


I am not counting on our NY AG to take a stand, and I am sure Ed Casey is not counting on the MA AG to take a stand.

Not a chance in hell MA will sue. Especially with Martha Coakley being our AG. If it wasn't for Obama pushing this health care bill, she would have beaten Scott Brown in the congressional election. It's funny that the most liberal state in the union sent a message (a republican in Ted Kennedy's seat) to the White House and they ignored it. They spun the lost senate seat as Coakley's fault for running a bad campaign. I guess the only way they'll learn is when we vote them out of office. Hopefully, we can minimize the damage they do to this country before the next elections. I really like what Congressman Roger's said about the hard working people with health insurance being "punished". I've been screaming for years that our government encourages failure and penalizes those who work hard and succeed.
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Great make or break for a civil war because it really could get that bad... You got to remember this includes both the doctors, the citzens, taxation and how the illegal aliens get a free ride. :mad: Oh yeah you got to remember the gov't is exempt for these rules... They will only get the best! :mad:


I heard alot of those dedicated doctors are going to be retiring, so much for the best health care in the world. And as an employer, I might just become a one man band again, with those kind of regulations. If that thing passes we are going into a depression any ways. Is that video of the current bill, or the one that was voted down a while back? I am sure the newest bill still looks alot like Soylent Green. If it was a good bill, it would be an easy win. It is not hard to tell, the current cartel in power really hates America and the hard working people that make it the best country in the world.

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