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We've had some serious rain this month with a lot of New England setting new all-time records for rain fall. This picture was sent to me by my wife's cousin in Rhode Island. It's route 102 in Exeter RI just in front of the country club.

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Oh, yes, that's our town... we drive that road often... lots of roads like that. Our road was under water by about a foot. Rte 165 lost the Southern lane for about a mile (East bound). Sheila said the Nat Guard were there?? I was up for 30 hours straight. Sheila was up about 35 hours with just a couple of 20 minute cat naps... but we were successful in saving the lower level from flooding. And we are absolutely counting our lucky stars that we finally got the hole around the water pipe sealed... Wife is a trooper... She did the putty work while I did containment... Our in-laws (out-laws) are close to a pond... last I heard the in-law attartment down stairs had 6" of water in it & the expensive pump up septic system had flooded & failed. Another realitive had to surrender & leave for higher ground when their house was surrounded & 2 pumps failed to control the rising water in the basement. There's a lot of erosion along the street & our gravel driveway is finished but passable. I 95 is closed in places... like Warwick. Yuck, city sewer plant is now submerged & water is backed up onto Interstate. Incredible damage. Some clips of my local area, http://www2.turnto10.com/jar/news/local/....ck_river/34180/ http://www2.turnto10.com/jar/news/local/...._warwick/34178/ http://www2.turnto10.com/jar/news/local/....t_floods/34173/ http://www2.turnto10.com/jar/news/local/...._warwick/34171/ http://www2.turnto10.com/jar/news/local/....coventry/34162/ Russ PS That's Exeter #1 Vol Fire Company on the right of the pict. Forutnately there is an aux station on Rte 2 on the other side of this obstruction.


We just got back from trying to help my wife's family with flooding basements. What a mess. We're only 90 miles away in Western Mass but we didn't get anything close to what you got or Eastern Mass got. The stream in my back yard rose but didn't even flood. I see CNN and FOX have both picked up the story. I hope it doesn't destroy any of the turf farms. My father-in-law is an independent trucker and a huge part of his business is hauling turf. He's on the verge of going out of business as it is with the way the economy is.

---------- Post added at 03:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:34 PM ----------

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Man that horrid... Hang in there Russ and crew it won't last forever... I went through a major flood here in Idaho back in 1996/1997 right at Christmas time till after New Years. I was completely flooded out of my home and had to move in with my parents, then have two neighbors move in and sleep on our living room floor. So I understand the nightmare and the damage your going to be dealing with... I'll say a few prayers for you guys out there...:pray:


The saga:

3:29.10 8:30PM

This was the third storm in 2 weeks, the ground is already saturated...

As I said before we're on a side hill 3/4 up... down in the valley, the road in is about to go under water. (there is one house down there... I know he has 2 sump pumps but don't see how that could keep up.

The neighbor just stopped by... with more hydraulic cement. I was shop vaccing the water up on the semi-finished lower level... trying to stay ahead of it. Some stuff is in the water. It can't get higher than 2" because we can just open the outside doors! Well, I guess it could if we did not know to open them.

Sheila had brought one bucket of hydraulic cement home but we've not had luck yet.

The neighbor borrowed a hose, he's pumping the floor into his sump with it's installed pump...

We're not under water, but this is bad enough...

2:30 AM Our attempts to seal with hydraulic cement have failed... and now the water will not go into a shallow cut down containeer like before.

We have no choice but constantly shop vac up the stream of water & barely keeping up. It's 2:30AM We're out of ideas & energy. I do not see any choice but to take shifts all night & beyond. I should not have bragged about our french drains... they must be blocked or over whelmed.

If we stop the basement will flood & much damage. No one to call at this hour...

Morning awaits.

5:55 AM Sheila managed to get a couple of very brief naps... I'm too stressed to sleep even though I've laid down a couple of times. I've been awake 23 hours at this point. I'm going to use the "phone a friend" option as soon as it's light out.

3.30.10 11:30 AM

After exhausting our supplies & ourselves, we kept up with the incoming water through the night. Sheila called out of work.

At first light, Sheila went out into the deluge & dug out the French drain outlet. The water poured out of it. There is still a sizeable lake uphill from the house/foundation. We did not see any change in the water coming in... I phoned several friends... I got some ideas. One offer of help from a friend who has similar problems of his own... his advise was useful. Sheila went to the Home Depot in Griswald, Ct... & got advise & more supplies. She brought home expanding spray foam sealant... I did not think it would work & the guy even said "It sounds dumb" but it slowed the inflow comsiderably. The "Quick Plug" (same brand as last night) worked like a charm.

As far as we can tell the leak is stopped... cleaning up now.

The stream water is now a raging river & coming over the road. Many school districts closed. The major rivers have exceeded the records set just a week ago. Homes & businesses that got pumped out are flooded again... heck, the rivers had barely gotten within their banks when this hit.

I'm sore & exhausted... & we're counting our lucky stars. I offered Sheila supper out tonight. We're both pretty tired & with the weather, driving is not the greatest idea. Without thinking I suggested a "rain check" from her response, perhaps that should be in the jokes & humor.

We're going to rest & if we're lucky, sleep.


I thought Sheila was just cleaning up... I had something to eat. I felt cold with a scratchy throat. My body decided on sleep, whether I agreed or not. After about an hour, I woke up. Sheila found some seepage in our patch & tried again to seal it.

Fingers crossed.

ARK = Good Idea!! Plans for Ark

4:00 PM

This has been a workout but we were SUCCESSFUL. Sheila took this picture of our street... the culverts could not handle the water from the brook... has filled the swamps & then topped the road.

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By mid afternoon Wednesday, it's not over the road anymore, whew.

Sheila was a real trooper... we held the flood to a small area by contineously wet vac-ing over about 20 hours ... it got within a foot of the rugs & furnature... Sheila worked at using hydraulic cement to plug the leak while I kept the flood contained.

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The heros of the day: spray foam & water stop cement.

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The floors drying up, leak stopped.

3.31.10 8:00 AM Sheila got up & went to work today after 2 days "off"... work that is. She's probably thankful to go to work so she can physically rest. We are both wiped. Her day to open the lab... so she must go in early. With I95, airport connector, Warwick Mall and many other roads, homes & businesses flooded under deep water. Local roads as well are buckled, many bridges are out or closed as raging water continues to threaten them. Getting to anywhere is crazy. Reports of 4-6 hours to get somewhere.

Schools are still closed. Many used as shelters but I do not see how they can run bus routes?

I called & cancelled my MRI (scheduled for today) & follow up with Neuro after.

The rivers are receeding but will be next week before the rivers are back within their banks.

There's gonna be one heck of a sale at Warwick Mall. The Firemen in rubber boats rescued a Security Guard from the second floor!

I'm staying home... unless I really need to go out for something...

I figure if I hold off a few days, the water will be receeding & detours accomplished.

Sheila showed me her right hand last night. Applying the concrete patch to stop the ice cold flowing water, her cold & numb hands... she wore the skin away on her index finger until it bled. There are numerous cuts & scrapes... now that they are warm... they HURT. And we are some of the lucky ones. She deserves some serious pampering.

Rte 165 between Rte 3 & Ct. Our connection to the rest of RI.

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Nat Guard dirrecting traffic. Down to one lane of alternating traffic. They just put new poles in & had begun upgrading the electric service... DO OVER!!

All told I had about 1 hour sleep on 39 hours... Sheila had a couple of half hour cap naps... once she got the leak stopped she crashed for 3 hours in the evening so maybe 4 hours in the same 39 hour interval. We are still beat. At least we were successful!



Im just letting you know that I've been praying for you and Shelia every minute I can. I did not want to bother you with chit-chat as your life is filled with stress,worry,etc. The only remedy i can give you from Idaho is a lot of prayer..which you have. We fully understand what happens to you during a major flood. In 1997 right after Christmas it collapsed the canyon walls here and took out 3 bridges. Homes were in danger of mudslides and like you and Shelia we dug trenches around our home, the neighbors and re-routed all the new waterfalls that were springing up behind us. The house across the road was washed away in 5 seconds. Sleep was a blessing when one obtain any. The whole 95 highway had to be rebuilt over the next three years. Yes, we understand all the despair you are both going through and pray to GOD that you survive all this. Our love and concern always. Rosalie. Will chat when the water begins to recede.


Thanks for posting the update Russ. We've been worried about you. My wife and I went down to RI to deliver my camper to my sister-in-law so they can stay in it until their house is ready to move back in. It's absolutely amazing the amount of damage water can do. You and Sheila are also amazing!!


hang in their russ. the spray foam is awesome stuff(you would be surprised to learn what your cable companies do with the stuff). i know you two are tired and wore out. but remember that you stood your ground to mother nature...and so far won. which i hope is a unique and inspiring victory(cause why else would our forefathers chose to stand their ground). my wife and i own no property, so our family always flees and come back. but i've often imagined staying and fighting back. you have a good woman there. i am glad to hear you both are ok for the most part. and try not to forgot that stress can kill you, so try to find some fun each day.

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