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Says it all. It did it once a couple of years ago... then nothing. The only possible leak source is the clearance lights on the cab roof. I know NOT to climb on the cab roof, it'll oil can for sure. I could not reach standing on the door sill. I'm thinking of maybe a padded stepladder against the cab.???Russ

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Geez Russ... I think you need to get a able body high school kid ot relative to stop by with a tube of clear silicone and pull the light up and give them a dab of silicone and snug them back down.


There must be some way for me to do it... I just have to do it without Sheila catching me on the stepladder. It's really un-nerving to have the disploay lit & water dripping from it. Not much, just a half dozen drops. It looks like some of the lights are up slightly in the back... maybe 1/2 turn of the screw would snug it.If not, they yeah, the silicone sealer. When I worked on boats, we bought it by the case!Russ

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