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Forgive me for I have seined. :pray:(past tense for sin?)I posted on cf.. Trying to explain the difference between.high idle, which is an automatic function and useing the p.t.o. as a high idle or a set throttel.You can't have the high idle enabled but you can have the p.t.o. enabled I don't even think thoes kids even know what a p.t.o. is.Maybe I just have to keep at them untill I get banned then I will not be able to torment my self any longer.Is goes with the kids using the word gas all of the time to reference diesel ... wtf it's diesel fuel. thanks for letting me rant.forgive me:pray: ,I'll delete cf from my browser.

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Well to correct you........................... High Idle is actually WIDE OPEN FOOT TO THE FLOOR GOVERNED SPEED. What you are referring to is technically called..........ELEVATED IDLE SPEED. This is not my opinion it is hard fact taught and described in any and all mfg's tech manuals.:)


I always wondered where they came up with that. I guess by definition idling is "not doing work" but they could just call it neutral WOT or something. Maybe call elevated idle something like 2 over idle.. Meaning 200rpm over idle. I don't know. It's definitely something that can be taken many ways.


:lol:so when I pull out the hand throttle or use the PTO function of the cruise control to 29k rpm's I'm really just idling at 29k?The " high idle" they should be referring to is the automatic idle up.(to warm up there cold engine)They are calling the hand throttle(p.t.o) a high idle which it is not, but it could be used as a manual set idle. but still call it what it is. I thing the little guide book uses the wrong term as not to confuse the kids. because the cruise control is for the cruise control but it is also used to control the speed of the P.to. that is why in the star-scan menu it is labeled P.t.o. and not high idle. I don't think some of those kids even know what a p.t.o. is or that they are using the P.T.O. function to warm up there truck or to keep it warm while idling with out relying on the automatic idle up to kick in after it has cooled.


In other words if you are using the cruise control to control your rpm's you are using a function of the P.T.O. not a "high idle" feature to accomplish this.


High idle is always wide open governed speed no exceptions in tech terms. Automatic elevated idle is as it says an automatic featured controlled by the ecm when more temp is needed as it takes engine speed to a set rpm. The cruise feature is PTO feature where you can set the engine speed at a desired level to operate the pto at whats needed but it is limited to 1500 rpm. I would love to see the results of a 29k RPM diesel:lmao: I think you meant 2.9k rpm


You all got me wondering on this RPM thing. They say a governor spring kit does not defuel until it gets to the springs rating, so a 3GSK will run hard up to 3k then defuel. Well I thought mine was stock. The breakaway screw was still there and everything but I have people tell me I have a 3GSK and I always say no. However, one time I held it to the floor in neutral and it hit 3500.. So now I am beginning to wonder. I keep denying it because I was sworn it was stock but I think I need to face facts.. It does pull hard to 3k also. Guess it isn't stock :banghead:

WOW!!!! Good thing I read all the posts first!!!:cool: I thought for a moment the when you said that you'd seined................well, for this Catholic boy, I thought it was a Jewish thing!!!!!!:pray::pray: Enough said!!!!:lol:

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