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  • Injector Install Video

    Ok Guys,

    After a long waiting period here is my Injector install videos.

    All three videos are sequential and should help clear up any questions remaining from Mike's article. HERE.     

    Pepsi's Notes

    While I used Mike's Injector Install write up, I felt that after installing and removing injectors several times I should shoot a movie that will help eliminate any of the "questions" that would pop up. I did this to help others out.

    This Guide is good for all model year Cummins ISB 5.9L Engines. The Bosch VP-44 Powered ISB to be exact. The Install video is on a 1999 Dodge RAM 3500, but the ISB engine is the same, the only difference is that the Dodge RAM version has a Valve Cover that says Dodge Cummins on it.

    I used Diesel Auto Power (DAP) 60 HP Injectors. They are Genuine BOSCH injectors that were bored out larger by an extra 60HP. At the time, I was shooting this movie I was diagnosing hard starts when cold conditions, even though once bled it started fine.


    • Adjustable Wrench
    • Crows Feet Metric Set
    • 3/8" Ratchet
    • 6" and 12" extensions (3/8"s and 1/4")
    • Metric Socket Set 10mm-21mm
    • 1/4 Metric Socket Set (8mm)
    • Suggested Stuff
    • Trash bag
    • Shop Light
    • Gloves
    • Air gun nozzle, to blow air down and take the dust off the motor.
    • Large Flat bladed screwdriver.


    Pepsi's Notes

    Around 8.40 you will see blue connectors holding the High-pressure lines together in two groups when reinstalling them its best to loosen those line blocks up so that they will fit snug when you go the put it back on, and this will also prevent the fittings from crushing them selves, causing leaks. Around 13 Mins you can see all of the engine parts I took off, that are spread around to keep things organized


    Pepsi's Notes

    If you are going to perform a routine cleaning make sure that you do each injector one at a time and replace the injectors back into the same cylinder they came out of. Once you crush the copper wires you can usually reuse them, but understand to not cross the injectors or the copper washers, this way they will reseal correctly.

    As shown in the video if your injector will not rise use a flat headed screwdriver to lift it up, don't force it.

    When reinstalling the lock down bar does not tighten to spec, instead tighten your lockdown bolt till less then snug and use the crossover tube to rotate the injector ever so slightly.


    Torque Settings

    Injector bolts (Opposed Clamp bolt) 89-inch lbs

    High pressure lines 28 ft lbs. (Slightly more than hand tight) If you're unsure use a torque wrench.

    When torquing these down, if you are to loose the fuel will leak out of the head, to tight and you will have an internal leak, which will be harder to diagnose.

    Most bolts you should tighten down hand tight plus 1/4 turn, or more than snug to prevent them from working loose.

    • Thanks 2

    User Feedback


       1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

    Great videos.  I watched these a few times before before changing out my injectors last week.  These were a great help

    • Thanks 1

       1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

    Installed my new injectors this week.  This was super helpful.  Thank you for posting it!



     Another great article on changing 5.9 injectors! Video's are very helpful too! 

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