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I dont know but I may have found something. I was pulling starter to clean ground wire on block when I noticed the small ground wire on starter was lose, so I went to tighten it and the groment was lose also so I said I will take it apart and tighten it, they usually have two nuts one on the inside. Well not this one, the only thing that keeps it from turning when you tighten it is the copper wires inside housing. So when I put new starter on I my have broke the wires inside starter or made a bad conection. So here is the million dollar question if the ground wires inside starter are loose or making bad conection will it cause the eng. to die for a split second then continue to run? Will it efect the running in anyway? Or is it only for starting the eng and no other function?

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I think you talking about the solenoid lead to trigger the starter... As for dieing problem nope sorry to say not related... Here is your truely rebuilding Taz's starter... http://forum.mopar1973man.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=787 Small Terminal is the solenoid trigger for kicking the starter gear out and activating the contact plunger. http://forum.mopar1973man.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=789

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