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I got lucky and was volnteared to help a buddy fix his 73 mod. cab and chassie that he found in a little small town with a three man vol. fire dept. They bought it brand new in 73 and it has 2k miles on it it's a cherry. Only problem is some wise guy thought they would do him a favor and remove the govner from throttle plate. Well it runs hot as h--- 230 and nobody knew why. So the first thing I said was where is the parts to the gov., They threw them away. lol Anyway I pulled a plug and....... you guessed it it was whiter than when they put them in. So my question is how do they measure jets? I was going to drill them out a little at a time till it is right, but need a starting point. A friend of mine found a Ford carb. (2 barrel if anyone would like to donate some jets) that has 54's in it.ThanksJoe

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Personally I would of kept the governor... As for jets... I wonder if you got a vacuum leak instead that is messing with the mixture? Float level to low? Air Jets dirty or damaged?

Went over it with a can of starting fluid and no carb leaks or manifold leaks, no brake boost leaks. The gov. had butter flys in it and when at crusing speed they acted as a choke flap would, why I dont know. In 73 I was 14 and I just baerly got in to wrenching at that time but that is what I remember. Like I said before they thru the parts away due to destroy them to get it out.

Cooling System? - Thermostat, coolant, water pump, cap, pressure test, etc. Compression test? - Just do it and report the numbers... (Explain later)

Did all that but compression test. New rad. 3 new stats,waterpump,cap, pressure test, timing, points. The plugs are whiter now than they where when we put them in.lol Running lean. Putting jets tomorrow.
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So what was the compression test like for numbers? Reason why I ask is I got a 1983 Goldwing with the same issues and what had happen is a blew a head gasket. Well the shop milled the head true flat again but found out they over milled the heads now my compression is a bit to high and it overheats all the time now and the only way to see this is in compression test numbers...


Went from 47 jets to 55 and lower it a little but need to go to 60 and I think we would have it. Michael I used to wrench on Hondas back in the late 70's when the gold wing first came out but that was a long time ago. Try putting richer jets in the head that was milled. maybe


Did you check the idle mixture adjustment with a vacuum gauge as this is the most accurate way of doing it. Hook vacuum gauge up to manifold vacuum port on carb not port vacuum though. adjust idle mixture screws until you get the max vacuum possible, always burp the throttle and let it stabilize after each adjustment to get the most accurat vacuum reading. If anyone says they can tune a carb by ear, I love proving to them how much better it will run after doing it this way.:thumb1:

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