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I want to service the 62TE on wife’s 2015 Dodge Caravan.

I’ve dual-purposed the oil dip-stick in order to read 62TE fluid levels,

but have not been able to find instructions on adjusting the 62TE Bands when I service it.

Mopar Tech Authority has a CD or USB manual for $160 with tax/s&w but I’m not ready to bit that bullet yet.

Anyone know procedure for Band Adjustments or location of same?
Thanks and Happy New Year




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I'm not sure on your question, but if you cant find a free download the ATSG books are around $40 they have a blue cover you can get PDF and paper most of the time off a bunch of places.


I could not find a free download, I was able to find a preliminary book they put out, alot of places are passing this on as the rebuild manual but it is not the full version it's just a snapshot of the trans.


Good luck in your search and repair.


I have had 9 of those vehicles, 2013 thru 2016, there was a reflash for some shifting issues about late 2017 that helped alot and a bunch of ours were 5yr/100k warranty and all were covered, also there was a pump recall on some where they would replace the whole unit it was very specific on the VIN on those might have been on some 16's.


Check your warranty status via the normal dodge site, register and enter your info and it will bring up the warranty info, I sold some that still fixed under warranty, but you need a good service writer and you need to have the specific complaint to get the flash or they hit you up for the work. You never know, unless you it's out of warranty, or are well past 100k or know you got it in early '15 or late '14. Then you are most likely timed out. I was surprised on the 5/100 powertrain and how long it lasted.






I’ll check out the ATSG, I have one for my 47RE.

I’m over 100K now and lions share is highway miles.

Appreciate the feedback.




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