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    We are privately owned, with access to a professional Diesel Mechanic, who can provide additional support for Dodge Ram Cummins Diesel vehicles. Many detailed information is FREE and available to read. However, in order to interact directly with our Diesel Mechanic, Michael, by phone, via zoom, or as the web-based option, Subscription Plans are offered that will enable these and other features.  Go to the Subscription Page and Select a desired plan. At any time you wish to cancel the Subscription, click Subscription Page, select the 'Cancel' button, and it will be canceled. For your convenience, all subscriptions are on auto-renewal.

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I'm new to the site and new to the Dodge Cummins. I have a 2002 with 90,000 on it, stock as far as I know, had it about 2 years with no problems. Recently I would be driving along and suddenly lost power, the throtle goes to the floor with no response untill it downshifted and then it seemed to have full power again. I have been reading your forum and see it could be different things that can cause this. Here is what I know, There has not been a trouble code, or the check engine light has not came on. Fuel filter was replaced about three months ago, maybe 2,000, I can hear the pump come on when I turn the ignition switch on, the truck starts right up. Can someone give me a logical trouble shooting scheme, I can't afford to replace parts I don't need. It seems that you folks are the ones that can help. Thanks, I look forward to your ideas and help. Tommy

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Well I would say if pedal gose to floor like you say it would be apps. Turn you ignition switch on and off three times on the third time let it stay on and see if codes come up.


Since I posted my question I cleaned my battery connections and the ground post on the driver side had corroded all the way through flush with the top of the battery. It obviously wasn't making a good connection. I been working around cars for over 40 years and have never seen this. I have to get a new battery before I do the code test. More to follow. Thanks, Tommy

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Well here is where I normally start out with...

Error codes...


Fuel pressure...


Fuel pressure should be above 10 PSI at all times.

As for dead pedal problems there is only 2 causes of it.

* Dead or dieing APPS sensor. Typically the P0121, P0122, or P0123 is present. APPS sensors will alway throw a code if the the true cause.


* Dead or Dieing VP44. Typically a VP44 will NOT throw codes to a dead pedal problem but if it does it could be P1688, P0216, or a few others...


Well I tried the key on, off, drill and I got a code 1693 and 216. will try to check fuel pressure next.


Are you saying the vp44 is shot or could it still be other issues causing the problem, will a bad lift pump starve the vp44 when it just needs more fuel, or does the 216 code mean it can only be the vp44? Thanks, Tommy

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Yeap... The VP44 is running down death row...

P0216 -error code is a wear error. It cause from lack of fuel pressure. What has happen is the advancement piston is wearing out and is starting to bind up and not advance timing as needed. So white smoke, hard starting will start occuring. Your MPG's will start to slide. It not going to get better... Sorry...

You might want to read over this...



then... It might help... :confused: But it won't fix it...



OK now what? Is the vp44 a dealer item, or is there an after market supplier? What about a rebuilt pump or a used one? What is the going price? any info would be much appreciated. Tommy

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