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Sometimes people sit back and complain about all the little stuff that goes on in their lives! Stuff that when you look back at it, isn't even worth complaining about! Then sometimes people take a look at all their blessings! Well today I'm looking at my blessings! I'm not a very religious person like I need to be! But the good LORD has really blessed me and keeps me in HIS hands! The reason I'm saying this, is that at about 3am I crawled in bed from work, was sleeping and my 7 yr old daughter was in bed with me! At about 5am I heard an electrical pop an a bright flash of light woke me up! So laying there a few minutes, eyes adjusting I don't see anything unusual! Then I look up at my ceiling fan that was on high, was barely turning! I get up turn the light switch off and feel the fan! It was so hot, I couldn't touch it! Therefore that was my first blessing of the day! The second blessing was this afternoon! We get a call from my sister, her husband (my bil) went up to our family cabin on Greers Ferry lake here in AR! He took my nephew, his youngest son, and a few friends up there. We have a little cabin and 2 house trailers, one for my parents an the other is my brothers. Well they were going turkey hunting, and my nephew was sleeping in my parent's trailer! About 3pm everyone loads up to go hunting again, leaving my nephew asleep, they get down the road and decide to go back and wake him up to bring him on the hunting trip! Well after they leave, unknown to us the cause yet, the 2 trailers caught on fire and were completely destroyed!!! Everyone is unhurt but we lost our getaway place! Thankfully my nephew,bil an all friends were unhurt! That is why I am blessed twice in one day! So grab your loved ones, hug and love them a little more and don't let little things get in the way, because we never know, when it may be the last time we see them!


Im glad everyone is safe as well! Now I have to get ready to get everything cleaned up! Start rebuilding! I wish that I will never have another eventful day like that again!


you know, I totally agree with your point. I will say though a friend once said to me...when you have a problem, no matter how big or small, no matter if others would look at it as a problem or not, to you it's still a probleml. I as well as others i'm sure, spend way to much time focusing on "problems" that in reality sometimes we can do nothing about, and yet we complain or grumble about it to no end, then the problem alot of times goes away on it's own and you look back and say, why did I worry or complain about that like I did , it was nothing! Human nature maybe, Idk , but it's too bad a person couldn't stop and think of how good you have it, even if there's others that have it better, there's always someone that unfortunetly doesn't even have it as good as you do . :2cents:

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