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Perpetual Sump Theory


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Like I said in a prior post, my truck just rolled over 100,000 miles. Within 20-30 miles of that, I pulled an oil sample and sent it out to Blackstone Labs for analysis. For y'all that don't know, I run a MotorGuard TP bypass filter on my truck. I did a bunch of research prior to buying and installing this unit. According to Mr. Ralph Wood (aka Mr. MotorGuard) oil doesn't wear out, it only gets dirty. If you can keep the oil clean, you can run it almost indefinitely. Anyhow, modifying his theory slightly for a "modified" diesel truck, I change out my TP at 1500-2000 mile intervals depending on how the truck was driven, and then add 1 quart of "make up oil". I change the full flow filter at 1 year intervals. Anyhow, I've not "changed" my oil in just over 60,000 miles now. I added the bypass filter to my truck when my truck had 40,000 miles on here. On July 4 of this year it will be 3 years since installing the bypass. Anyhow, Blackstone said that I'm good to go. TBN is somewhat low, but I use WallyWorld SuperTech 15W40 dino oil. My next TP change out I will probably change the full flow filter also. That'll add another couple quarts to the change out, and should more than up the TBN in the sump. The TBN on virgin SuperTech isn't all that high to start, so I'm not worried there. Iron is higher than folks would normally like to see, but I've got over 60,000 miles without a change, and they're not concerned.Aluminum..................4Chromium.................2Iron........................46Copper....................7Lead.......................3Tin........................3Moly.......................2Nickel....................1Manganese...............1Silver.....................2Potassium..............3Boron....................1Silicon...................5Sodium..................2Calcium..............2432Magnesium...........264Phosphorus...........1195Zinc...................1392Barium..................0TBN...................5.3Fuel...................TR--------I got a happy foot on the ride home before taking the sample!!

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