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DO NOT Turn the barrels!

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Guys I've been reading about a lot of hustle and bustle on other forums about turning the barrels on the P7100 to get more fuel. This is ridiculous.. Basically the barrels can be rotated as a means of getting the spill ports of each barrel all in the same spot. Meaning it ensures each injector fires the same amount of fuel to give a smooth running engine. They are calibrated from the factory to ensure this.Welllll, people have found that if you turn the barrels all the way clockwise, that you put the spill port farther over and then when you floor it, you end up even further along the port helix, giving more fuel more power...... Of course this means the idle speed is now 1500RPM so they back the idle screw way down to get back to idle speed. This is ridiculous because these guys are knocking around all 6 barrels until the engine smooths out and calling it good. This is running on thin ice and having pistons all firing at different power levels cant be good on things. I realize there is a damper to smooth this out but it's still not a good idea and probably puts uneeded strain on the damper and might cause premature failure. If you want to do this, take it to a pump shop and have them do it so they can calibrate them as well. I don't really see the point of something stupid like this just for more power when the trucks already make great power with just plate mods. People will do anything for more power, including this stupid tactic.

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