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Ad blocking and Ad Block Checking

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Here we go.'


As most of you know we have been working to reorganize the site and get it operating without money having to come from Michael's pocket.  Due to the ongoing costs that are required to keep the site operating we are required to depend on member donations, vendor ads, and ads provided by Google Adsense.  We are working to reduce the amount of member donations needs each month.  By creating more stable income flow we can do a better job of planning for the future and hopefully no longer worry about the future of the site.


Since over 50% of the site traffic is from Google searches from people who are not members we needed to find a way to earn income from them.  One way we are doing this is by displaying ads.  One of the perks to being a Vendor on Mopar1973man.com is getting your ads displayed on the site for all visitors to see.  Google also has a few ads per page that are off to the side and typically not in the way. We need to ensure that the ads are displayed on the site and are not being blocked from view.  Mopar1973Man.Com gets paid on a PER view basis from google.  There are numerous ways to block the ads that will keep Mopar1973Man.Com from getting paid.  In order to prevent this from happening for the vast number of none member views we get per month we have put in place an ad blocker checker program that requires the ad blocker to be disabled.  If ad blocker is enabled there is a pop up that comes up asking you to turn off ad blocker.


The idea is what we have Vendor ads displayed for all paying members and Google ads for everyone else so we can earn income from all visitors to the site.  We feel that this is one way we can stabilize income.



So we'll be using a ad blocker plugin that will check for ad blocking. If its detected the site will not display for you till you whitelist the site or disable the ad blocking plugin in your browser.

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