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I been working on a bunch of formulas in excel and I finally got it to where you can find amps/ohms/watts/volts if you have any 2 of the 4 variables. That's sheet #1, sheet #2 is just plain fun because you can figure out exactly how much something uses and costs you over a period of time based on any 2 variables. I had some issues with those with openoffice or google apps so I will post 2 variants. On the bottom left of the spreadsheets is the page selector for those who didn't know, so you can switch between the 2 there. If you guys have anything you want a spreadsheet for just let me know. I can find calculations for basically anything and love working with excel. Editable regions are red, you can't edit it if it's not red anyways. Red the little exerts on each page and thats all you need to know to run it. If you want to edit anything that isn't red, password for it is "dodge". Well dang the openoffice file won't upload since it's not recognized. The excel one works in openoffice and google apps but the ohms/amps/volts/watts page doesn't, other one does. If you want the one that works for formats other than excel, pm me.

Electricity Calculations.xls

Electricity Calculations 3.ods

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Well that half of it was really easy, I spent a week on the other part, going to forums and stuff trying to figure out just how to get it to use any 2 variables you put in. You could do them all separately but I thought that would be such a mess that I wanted to figure out how to make it all work with just one part. I'm working on making a spreadsheet showing cylinder pressures and temp at TDC compression stroke based on intake air and boost. Too much physics involved but I'm getting closer :lol:


If you want the one that works for formats other than excel, pm me.

I could not open it, I use open office, do you have a more compatible format? I would love to have it, I know a couple of formulas like ohms law and power=IxE.
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I could not open it, I use open office, do you have a more compatible format? I would love to have it, I know a couple of formulas like ohms law and power=IxE.

I'm surprised... That XLS file is for 97-2003 MS Office...

You need to get the "ods" type file acceptable on here Mike :thumb1:

Huh? "ODS"???

Excel and openoffice use different formulas for certain things, mainly the IF things. So I had to change it up to make it work for the people with anything but excel. I save things in xls since some people don't have the latest excel version, which uses xlsx. I believe I sent you one of them one time and you told me all you saw was code so that's why I started all xls saving. ODS is openoffice's "xls".

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Excel and openoffice use different formulas for certain things, mainly the IF things. So I had to change it up to make it work for the people with anything but excel. I save things in xls since some people don't have the latest excel version, which uses xlsx. I believe I sent you one of them one time and you told me all you saw was code so that's why I started all xls saving. ODS is openoffice's "xls".

Ok... Give me a sec... --- Done... ODS is added to the attachment list... :thumbup2:

That easy to do that? :lol:I added the openoffice one to the list on the first post so now everyone should be able to use it. Still wanting to do more but I need ideas from you guys. I don't care how hard or easy, I think it's so fun but I can only think of so many formulas. I don't even care if just one person wants something, pm me and I'll do it for ya :thumbup2:

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Well... I got one for ya ISX... I know Excel is capable of being used like a database. So what is wrong with the idea of placing all you maintenance record on Excel... Is there some way of putting the intervals and having Excel tell you its due? One I'm using is Excel for fuel records but it need refining because I got to manual edit the math for each entry... But I got full graphs and fuel records... You want me to email it to ya? :shrug:


Your going to have to explain a little more. I am thinking when you type in 5,000 miles, you want the oil change thing to turn red and jump to the top of maintenance list? Yeah email it, describe more or what you want too.


Thanks ISX, after the download, I went to my download folder and found 5 downloads of the file in there. I guess the file is so small, the download dialog box, never showed. They all work fine in Open Office as well. This will be handy for our use. Thanks


ISX.............do you "work" for a living, live off a trust fund, have recently won the lottery, or don't give a crap????? How in the heck do you spend so much time "on line"???? And, on top of that, when you've got so much time on line.................why ain't you on the porn sites???????:drool::lmao::lmao::lmao2::lmao2::cool:


Where did that come from? :lol:Lets see here. I saved a lot working after school (HS) and worked all summer and saved up a lot, lived off that for a while, reverted back to parents for a while, reverted back to weekend jobs I get that pay a lot. I learned to save every penny and make the most out of all of it. College is paid for through that A+ thing and my apartment here is $325 a month. Internet is free, water is free (yes Mike, I have had ideas with your pelton wheel lmao), and my electric bill is $15 since the only thing ever on is my laptop and the fridge. I haven't watched tv in months. I drive so slow to and from home every weekend that that doesn't add up to much either. Who said I wasn't on those sites dorkweed? :lmao2: It's not that hard to refresh this thing and look at other websites at the same time. I have internet multitasking down to an art. So your saying you don't have any spreadsheets you need me to make? :ahhh:Here's my latest creation so far, needs metric but I'll get it all on there eventually. This one works with free ones fine since there aren't any fancy formulas. Well I guess it ruined my colors but I'll get it all fixed. :thumbup2: Ok look at my later post for the "done" version.


I like the bolts chart as well. :thumbup2: I might get more use out of that then the electricity one, since I can usually remember that formula in a pinch.


I have a meter for amps and so I can get volts and amps easily just taking the breaker panel off and clamping it over each wire and making sure everything but the thing I want, is off. Then I can see how much it uses in all those different times. I thought it was really neat. I have had the amp/volt/./. thing done for a while but I figure I would throw that in for you guys too. I might make a sticky in this section and start throwing all my things in it and you guys can use what you want. I have many things I have made that you guys might find as useful as I. I have them sprawled out across this thing and other computers at home so I will have to round them all up.


YOYOYOYOYOYOYO.........ISX. I was just messing with you!!!!!:evilgrin::evilgrin::cool: Twern't anything personal!!!!:lmao2::lmao2: You take me way too seriously!!!!!:smart::thumbup2::tongue:


Isn't there an emoticon limit per post? :lmao: I didn't want you going on wondering why I am always on lol. I actually am at college 8 hours a day but I get on through every tiny break so that it "seems" like I am always on haha. Flman, heres the full blown working completed version with working colors and all.


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