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I would love to tell you about it, but that would be getting too political.:nono:But since I cant resist, we have the guy running the US into the ground, he was elected to save us from the recession. He wasted more then a year forcing health care on us, so that welfare recipients would not have to worry, and so he could control our lives, and build up his communist empire. He was also worried about his ego being bruised, so he used Chicago Mafia style tactics to get the members of congress who were against his plan to vote for it. They will be out of a job at the next elections, and he could care less. He could care less about America as well, I say he is an Al Quieda operative.End of Rant.

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I would love to tell you about it, but that would be getting too political.:nono: But since I cant resist, we have the guy running the US into the ground, he was elected to save us from the recession. He wasted more then a year forcing health care on us, so that welfare recipients would not have to worry, and so he could control our lives, and build up his communist empire. He was also worried about his ego being bruised, so he used Chicago Mafia style tactics to get the members of congress who were against his plan to vote for it. They will be out of a job at the next elections, and he could care less. He could care less about America as well, I say he is an Al Quieda operative. End of Rant.

x2............Couldn't have said it any better!!!!:smart::smart: Now tell us what you really think!!!!:cool:
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Unemployment is an area I guess I would be unqualified to discuss. However in certain circumstances I understand why its there, but seriously I wonder why its so easy to get. I know people on it that seriously do not deserve it. One guy is on unemployment because his employer filed the paperwork wrong, however he blew his top at work and was fired for screaming profanity and threatening another employee. In the same instance I know another fellow that deserves it. He was laid off from his job and took unemployment until he found work. He spent countless hours but a month later he is working yet again. No promise this job will continue but at least he took the effort to find one. I on the other hand am embarrassed to take hand outs. We had a tough time growing up but neither my mother or my father ever allowed government benefits. When times were tough they got tougher and took what they could when they could and we dealt with it. Now they are doing good. I myself have had rough spots in the past but when they get rough I get to walking and find something. Sometimes all we need is the will power to not give up and the proper attitude so not to dwell on what has been done wrong to us.I just have problems with excepting things from the government. I don't want a big government, I expect things not to be perfect, I just want to be free. With freedom I accept the imperfections that come with it and do not expect to be taken care of.

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It really is amazing how much unemployment is out there. But in in the same sence how many are just jumping on the band wagon i'm a firm believer if you want a job theirs one out there yet when you can make more money on unemployment why try other than pride.

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It really is amazing how much unemployment is out there. But in in the same sence how many are just jumping on the band wagon i'm a firm believer if you want a job theirs one out there yet when you can make more money on unemployment why try other than pride.

I think the numbers are low, what about all the people whose time ran out for unemployment?
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You notice the unemployment rate kind of follows the 2008 Presidential Primaries, and election. It stayed pretty steady until Spring of '08, then as the presidential candidates were whittled down, Clinton, McCain, and Obama. (All of whom supported Cap and Trade) Businessess and investors started getting scared. By election time, everyone was scrambling to hold onto whatever they had as it was clear we were going to be stuck with a Communist who was pushing for Socialized Medicine, and Cap and Trade...Just my take on things...

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