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So I've ruined a few of roller fairleeds for a winch, they use these plastic inserts that can only handle so much. I ended up figuring out size of bearings that can replace plastic. I just did this so I have no clue how it will hold up, but I'm hoping better than before. Here is what I've used if anyone wants to try. Bearings are 5/8 x 1 3/8 is just got some cheap China special bearings   https://m.ebay.com/itm/-10-99502H-MOWER-SPINDLE-SEALED-BALL-BEARING-5-8-X-1-3-8-X-433-GO-KART-CART/302295734698?itemId=302295734698&fdback=1

Needs bit of minor modifications to make it work, hoping it will be much better than plastic crap. I put few talk welds to keep bearing from going too far but you can get bearings with retainer rings too so that they only go in so far. 



21 minutes ago, Killer223 said:

best thing i ever did was replace my wire winch cable with the synthetic rope, 

but thanks for the info!!!


Yes my plan is to get a rope as soon as my cable starts to poke me, I did it on a previous built and loved the rope. I got the 1/2" one something like 30,000lb rating, and ended up busting it when pulling a truck out of revine sideways, peeled his tires off the rims and when rims dug deep enough in to dirt my rear axle came off the ground about 2 feet, (I was butted up to a tree with front bumper, this was of road) and then the rope gave. This was on my monster truck with 2.5 ton military axles and 54" tires :thud: we had no other option as his truck was ready to roll over down the hill, would of been a lot worse. But yes I love the rope, it don't fly back at you through the windshield. Ask me how I know. :duh:


I haven't run into any issues on my fairlead yet, its about six years old, and I have had some tremendous strain on them from the wire cable, I have considered changing over to synthetic rope too, for ease of use and to shed a few pounds up front too.  just wondering about the structurability of the rope compared to the cable, I do pull some large pine trees that are on the cliff side of road up to where I can buck them up for fire wood, I just dont know how well the synthetic rope would hold up


Rope will be easy to damage if it's under tension and anything sharp touches it. What I've done before is use a 20-foot chain to begin with and then attach my winch to it, that way you're dragging chain on the ground, also not using as much of winch cable so you don't have to reel it in as far. But the more you let out more torque you have on your winch, which I'm sure you already knew that. I would also recommend getting at least a 20000 pound rating on rope for a 12000 pound winch 


I may have to give that synthetic rope a try, I think the cable I have is 3/8 and it has took a beating and has a few fray's.I do need to change it before someone gets hurt though, I generally use a chain attached to a ****** block, then run my winch cable through the block and back to the truck, and even added a 2nd and 3rd ****** block before just to get a more direct pull off the winch, If I don't have enough cable I can always add more chain if needed. anyway always fun to play around with it, thanks for the infro.

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