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Computer Repairs and Linux Operating Systems

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Hey gang, I know a lot of you know that I'm a diesel technician as well a Computer Technician. 


If there is anyone that would like to have my services I'm more than willing to aid you in converting away from Microsoft Products and getting you set up with one of the many versions of Linux. For my PCs here at home I use Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Linux. Very stable and still after all these years no virus issues, no malware, etc. A clean system that isn't resource hungry like any Microsoft version. 


I would suggest any newbie that wishes to join the Linux family I would highly suggest Ubuntu Linux. Software is plentiful and external devices like Printers can be set up fairly easily. I recently did a conversion for some friends in Riggins, ID after a hacker had gained access to their bank account and their Windows PC. After the conversion of the software, they have been secure enough to open infected emails without a single worry of harm or attack. Why? Because Linux systems are built in a manner that will not execute any files that have been downloaded from the internet or email. The only thing you can do at that point is open the file as a text document in a non-executing fashion which now allows the person to see all the malware inside that email. Kind of a cool trick but protected from any harm to your PC.


The beauty of any Linux setup I can make the system very secure so that no one can ever get into your PC. I'm so good at it I've actually locked out the Admin of my Mopar1973Man.Com and they cannot access my server even locally. Yup, she is nailed down tight. Then if you even need my assistance with you PC I never have to even visit your home or business. All I need is for you to tell me your IP address which you can go out to Google and ask "What is my IP address" and it will report it. Now the remote system (yours) would have to have my account on your PC as well as 1 piece of software which is...


sudo apt-get install openssh-server


Just need to open a terminal program and copy and paste this command. This will install the SSH Server on your PC. The only way I can log into your PC would be only if I have my credentials also on your PCs so this will take a bit of work between us to set up but I could manage everything about your PC remotely as I do with Mopar1973Man.Com which is located in Michigan and I'm in Idaho be here I am working on a server which as I checked is roughly 2,034 miles away. 


If anyone would like to ditch Microsoft products and all the virus and spyware junk for a secure environment I'm the guy that can do it. I've converted several local people from Microsoft Windows 10 or Microsoft Windows 11 and swapped them to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and everyone loves the system. Much faster, lighter on resources (memory, hard drive, and CPU), then never have to worry about hackers, malware, or virus problems ever again. 


Just to should how far you can go with Linux systems. I can bind my cellphone (Samsung - Android) to my PC at home someone sends me a text message I can respond on my PC and leave my cell phone on its charger in the bedroom. If the phone rings I can preview the phone call number on my PC and decide if I'm going to answer that or just text the person and tell them I'll call later on.


Network wise I'm not bound to the rules that Microsoft uses which is very complex to network PCs together. Not to mention most Windows versions can't work with Linux file systems nor can they work directly with Android phones without BUYING software. Again another beauty to Linux is all software is FREE typically and never have to buy any software. Oh, another trick all Linux versions can work with either Windows PC or Apple PCs right out of the box. The funny part is neither Microsoft nor Apple can work directly with Linux. This is due to the closed source code of these two software. 


My PC was built way back in 2015 which is 8 years ago. Still running strong and still handling all the stuff I jammed into it. I started my Ubuntu Linux adventure back in 2010 with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx). Just for information value the Ubuntu version numbers the first two digits are the year of release and then the second two digits are the month of release which in this case is April (04) then LTS stands for Long Term Service. As you can see I've been in the Linux world for 13 years of experience and even been handling network designs and layouts being mapping my website back home and visa versa. 


Seriously if there are any of you out there that wish to break the chains of Microsoft Windows and have freedom on your PC please respond to this post I'll work with you on getting your PC converted over. 


Just for fun here is the entire Family Tree of Linux since its beginnings. 



Sample of just the Ubuntu Family branch... There is more than one version of software, unlike Microsoft Windows.


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Come on guys... I'm sure some of you are getting tired of all the Windows problems. Like dealing with virus issues, malware, ransomware, etc. I can pretty much promise that you will never have these issues with a Linux Operating System. I started with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS which was released in April, 2010 I'm currently running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS which was just released in April 2022. Did you know you could visit the Ubuntu Blueprint website? This website shows all the software and who maintains that software and allows you to interact with the designer with issues. Did you also know that all source code for all software is available to be downloaded and reviewed? This is why there are no security issues because there is too many eyes on the source code and they fix issues way faster than Microsoft or Apple.


All software is free. Did you know that Ubuntu comes pre-loaded with Libre Office which is a Linux version of Microsoft Office and can work with all Microsoft Office files like Windows Word? Did you know all the software on my PC here at home I didn't pay for any software. I've got GIMP, which is a Linux version of Adobe Photoshop again completely free but works just like Photoshop. 


Even crazier yet. How about installing Virtual Box and running Windows inside of Linux? Yup, this can be done as well which makes Windows protected if you do not hook up to the internet. That way I can run things like ISSPro programming software for my ISSPro gauges on Linux. Or like doing a firmware update for Quadzilla you need Windows again. I've managed to update the firmware in my Quadzilla with Virtual Box Windows and it works flawlessly.


Even stranger yet Linux has a program called WINE which actually stands for "Wine Is Not an Emulator" WINE is an interface that allows installing Windows software directly to a Linux PC. 


Now I will admit some look at Linux and ask about games... Well there is a way to play some of the popular games on Linux here is one site I found...





You make me almost want to buy another laptop and do online bill pay and banking. Last laptop I had got corrupted within 6 months. Bought and installed McCaffrey security,  I think that was the name. It was a joke. Every time I clicked on a site, a page would come up saying site may be corrupted,  are you sure you want to continue.  I'd click yes. After all, I had their security installed keeping me safe. When I contacted them about my problem,  they asked one question. Did you get a screen telling you site may be corrupted. I said yes, but that came up on everything I searched. They said it was my fault for opening the site. Their product did its job by warning me. I was POed that I got taken. Snapped the laptop in two over my leg and never had another computer, other than cell phones, and I've smashed a few of them too.

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 @Max Tune, you have the same level of frustration I do when it comes to that. Lol

 I've been talking to @Mopar1973Man for a while about doing the conversion,  I have the program here just have yet to install it. I'd rather do all that while on the phone with him to avoid any issues. 

 Ill get with him soon and get it done so i can post my thoughts on it. Im limited in tech savy so itll be a real world reveiw if you will.

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On 6/27/2023 at 1:36 PM, Max Tune said:

You make me almost want to buy another laptop and do online bill pay and banking. Last laptop I had got corrupted within 6 months. Bought and installed McCaffrey security,  I think that was the name. It was a joke. Every time I clicked on a site, a page would come up saying site may be corrupted,  are you sure you want to continue.  I'd click yes. After all, I had their security installed keeping me safe. When I contacted them about my problem,  they asked one question. Did you get a screen telling you site may be corrupted. I said yes, but that came up on everything I searched. They said it was my fault for opening the site. Their product did its job by warning me. I was POed that I got taken. Snapped the laptop in two over my leg and never had another computer, other than cell phones, and I've smashed a few of them too.


Linux is rock solid. It is already preloaded with a complete security system in place from the beginning for absolutely free. Again for a virus to be loaded on a Linux operating system you would have to change the permission of an infected file to be executable. Then you would have to open a terminal and give the command...

sudo -i

The terminal is now logged in as ROOT or as an Administrator. Now you would have to execute that file now you pulled down all the security now your computer could be infected with a virus. I've been using Linux operating systems now since 2010 and it's 2023 now which is 13 years and I have never been infected. Its nearly impossible for malware or virus to be on a Linux PC. I've actually taken the time to install an anti-virus scanner and look and never found any virus or malware. After a few months of zero results I uninstalled the anti-virus software because I don't play with Windows or Windows files any longer. 


16 hours ago, Doubletrouble said:

 @Max Tune, you have the same level of frustration I do when it comes to that. Lol

 I've been talking to @Mopar1973Man for a while about doing the conversion,  I have the program here just have yet to install it. I'd rather do all that while on the phone with him to avoid any issues. 

 Ill get with him soon and get it done so i can post my thoughts on it. Im limited in tech savy so itll be a real world reveiw if you will.

When you are ready I'm willing to install your copy very soon I've got to deal with business in Boise this weekend and then when I return I'll be up for doing the install. 


Like my renter down in my guest house/shop Mark Hall fought the same battle with Windows 10. I simply just set up the Ubuntu software on a thumb drive and plugged it in and just total the PC to boot the USB drive. Once Ubuntu Operating System boots up off the thumb drive you can test drive the software without installing it. You can see if the video looks good, basic functions work, etc. Now on the desktop screen is the install icon. Now you start the installation process. One trick I do for beginners is to make two partitions on the hard drive. The "root folder" is the operating system (Ubuntu) I typically give about 20 to 40 GB total for software. Then all your personal files or "home folder" take up the rest of the drive. Why? So if you make a mistake you can grab the thumb drive and reinstall the Ubuntu Software again without any loss of your data in your "home folder" so all your photos and data remain safe. The reinstall of the software you tell the Ubuntu install to work with only the root folder and not touch the home folder. 


This is a huge plus over Windows because if something goes wrong you have to wipe the entire drive losing all your personal data. If you made backups and you have infected files then you just reinstall the problem you're trying to fix. This is not true on Linux systems.

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 I may take the laptop and thumb drives with me this week. We're gonna be at the camper for the week or so. They're forecasting rain a couple days so it'll give me a chance for the test drive you mentioned.


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