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I've spent the better part of a day an a half searching for someone that has posted something similar to the problems that I am having with no avail. I am hoping someone has some insight. This is on my 2001 4X4 that is pretty much stock.Background - It is on the third engine that I know of with the most recent swap being about 4 months ago. I do have codes that I have pulled with a scanner, but do not remember the numbers, something related to no communication from the transmission BUS. I believe that it is a ground or a plug somewhere, but being a new member I do not have access to the files that I need to trace it. I have gone through the schematics on the main site with no avail. I am giving the symptoms with hopes that someone knows exactly what is causing this problem.Sometimes it will go through all gears fine, but it is usually only if I keep it around 1900-2000 rpms through all of the shifts. If I drive "normally" it will hold 1st gear until 2500+ rpms and the shift into second and never find third. It will run the rpms up beyond where I am comfortable and still never shift. If you let off, there is engine braking and it seems that T.C. is locked up. I can make it shift into 3rd by dropping it in neutral when it needs to shift into 3rd and it will go into 4th and the T.C. will lock up. When I stop, sometimes it will drop back into 1st, sometimes it will stay in 3rd and I have to manually shift it to 1st. I have changed the filter, fluid ( just what was lost dropping the pan ), checked / adjusted APPS voltage and most of the connections under the hood. This is a problem that started with nothing really changing on the truck. I have taken it to a transmission shop where they plugged it into a computer, hooked some pressure lines to it and tested it they stated that the transmission is mechanically sound. During my wire tracing I have found that the vacuum lines from the transmission area to the front axle were rubbed into by the front drive shaft and that there was another vacuum line on top of the transmission unhooked. This still has not solved my problem. Any suggestion would help - I will be spending the rest of the day in the shop with this truck and watching this forum.Thanks!CB


Make sure the Governor cable is hooked up at the tranny. It is the linkage in front of the shift linkage on the side of the tranny, it comes down from the APPS also know as the kick down cable. There is an adjustment to it also but will have to look it up. It sounds like it is related to the governor circuit, I would pull the pan after checking the cable and seeing if it is ok, then pull the governor solenoid valve out and clean it up, it may have something in it causing it to hang up.

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I have checked the governor cable, aka TV cable, right? I think we are talking about the same thing. I found a thread on adjusting it and have done so, but no change. I have not had a chance to drop the pan again to clean the governor, it will most likely be next weekend before I can do so. I am still leaning towards a ground, a corroded terminal, or the PCM due to the error codes. I will try to get my hands on a scanner again this week to pull the codes again and write down the numbers. Thanks for the help thus far. I think it is more of an inconvenience problem than anything else right now.


TV cable is the correct term for it. Throttle valve adjusts tranny internal pressure based on throttle position. I am still leaning towards the Gov solenoid or the solenoid spool valve. Codes will indicate a gov solenoid issue.


TV cable is the correct term for it. Throttle valve adjusts tranny internal pressure based on throttle position. I am still leaning towards the Gov solenoid or the solenoid spool valve. Codes will indicate a gov solenoid issue.

I am starting to think that you may be on the right track. I was able to pull the codes today and this is what I came up with this time. P1388 - Auto Shutdown relay P0753 - 3/4 Solenoid P0713 - Trans Temp P1763 - Governor Pressure too high. I will be dropping the pan this weekend and check the solenoids to see if they are open or not. I will update when I have more information. Thanks

I am starting to think that you may be on the right track. I was able to pull the codes today and this is what I came up with this time.

P1388 - Auto Shutdown relay

P0753 - 3/4 Solenoid

P0713 - Trans Temp

P1763 - Governor Pressure too high.

I will be dropping the pan this weekend and check the solenoids to see if they are open or not. I will update when I have more information.


Not sure about the 1st 2code -> but the 2nd two can definately come from being in limp mode. Meaning you startingf off in like 3rd gear. That would also cause your tranny temps to soar !!

I think there are 4 ways to adjust it/fix it

(1) TV is one way (but as I understand it its more to do with shift points) .......

(2) another is a turn screw for line pressure in the Valve Body. You can adjust the line pressure up or down.

(3) a new governor solenoid - intnerla issues with solenoid and handling better line pressure

(4) Voltage Resistor to fool signal of too high line pressure

With regard to

(1) See.


(2) See cumminsforum.


(3) See

http://www.suncoastconverters.com/dodge/dodge_products.html and search under components and then "618RE Governor Pressure Conversion Upgrade Kit" Part No. 618-GK



(4)See various forums - probably last step - but cheapest in terms of parts.

As always - wait for W+F to correct any of the above :):tease:

--- Update to the previous post...

oh .... and you might want to read this from our OWN edcasey :thumbup2:


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It was the governor solenoid. I dropped the pan and pulled it tonight, put it in the parts washer while I cleaned up the mess I made by literally dropping the pan during removal. As of now, it is working correctly. Honestly, what W+F suggested didn't make much sense to me at first about the governor solenoid. Once Johnfak mentioned that it would cause the temps to skyrocket and I saw that the week old fluid was turning brown, it made sense.Thanks a ton guys.. I would still be chasing wires if it were not for your help!!

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