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Hi all. I'm wondering if I'm headed in the right direction here:Yesterday while out and around I noticed the Edge comp was reading 0 boost continuously. At one point while accelerating it started jumping between 0 and 15 psi, which I could definitely feel, pulled hard while it read boost, then felt and sounded like it was lugging when 0 boost. Took it home and checked for way obvious stuff, unpluggled connectors, damaged wires, found nothing. Decided to take it to Autozone to have the codes pulled and on the way there the Edge started squawking an alarm that the boost was running at 40 psi, and did it when I let off the throttle to slow down.The only code that came out of it was P0236 "Turbocharger boost sensor circuit, range or performance problem; MAP sensor voltage too high for too long." Well gee, no kidding. :rolleyes2:So I'm inferring that the comp is reading boost from the MAP sensor? Is cleaning the sensor as described on this site likely to help, or just fork out the hundred bucks for a new one? Any other suspects I should be looking at?Thanks in advance

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Ok... There is a few things to test out for this problem. Disconnect the Edge and rest you codes and take it out ofr a short drive and see if the codes come back if not them the Edge is to blame. If the codes come back even after the Edge is disconnected then your going to have to verify some wiing... http://mopar.mopar1973man.com/cummins/2ndgen24v/map-sensor/map-sensor-codes.htm


Wow, thanks for the fast response Michael.

Disconnect the Edge and rest you codes and take it out ofr a short drive and see if the codes come back if not them the Edge is to blame.

From that and the wiring checks you linked to; sounds like it'd be advantageous to be able to pull and reset codes as needed - save lots of trips to autozone. Seems I remember reading on this forum about Scan Guage II being able to do this? How much install time on that (I'd call myself reasonably competent with wiring, but not expert by any means). Or would I be further ahead to buy one of the hand held code readers?
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Wow, thanks for the fast response Michael.

From that and the wiring checks you linked to; sounds like it'd be advantageous to be able to pull and reset codes as needed - save lots of trips to autozone. Seems I remember reading on this forum about Scan Guage II being able to do this?

Yes. ScanGauge II will do error code reading, Read live data from both the PCM/ECm computers. Better that a Cheap error code reader...

How much install time on that (I'd call myself reasonably competent with wiring, but not expert by any means).

Installing a SG II is easy just plug in the OBD II poart and setup a few settings...

Or would I be further ahead to buy one of the hand held code readers?

Naw... Normal code readers are limited to just error codes... It doesn't give freeze frame data, it doesn't read live data from the on boar computer on the fly, etc...


Naw... Normal code readers are limited to just error codes... It doesn't give freeze frame data, it doesn't read live data from the on boar computer on the fly, etc...

Point made and taken. I've got one coming, couldn't locate anyone local that had it in stock. Should be here Tuesday afternoon. :woot: Can't wait, I hate it when the Dodge runs like a dog. Thanks again for the link for checking wiring, I needed that!

Got it resolved, it was indeed the MAP sensor that crapped out. The ScanGauge is pretty nice to have along also. I was trying to figure out how to pull the MAP voltages out of it as the link Michael posted indicates but didn't have any luck with that one. Sorta ran out of time and decided to throw the new sensor at it, see if that did the trick which it did. Am I missing something in the ScanGuage instructions? Thanks again for the info and help!

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