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Bushwaker fender flares

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Well at least we have metal to protect, at the mine I work at all we run are 2500 HD gasser chevys and they don't even have metal box fenders anymore, in the constant mud and off roading the rear box quarter fenders are torn of within weeks of showing up as they are all plastic, with every newer generation of pickup we get from chevy they are built more and more like cars than pickups..................junkier every year drivetrain wise and body wise as well.

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Well at least we have metal to protect, at the mine I work at all we run are 2500 HD gasser chevys and they don't even have metal box fenders anymore, in the constant mud and off roading the rear box quarter fenders are torn of within weeks of showing up as they are all plastic, with every newer generation of pickup we get from chevy they are built more and more like cars than pickups..................junkier every year drivetrain wise and body wise as well.

That reminds me of the time we had to go down into a mineshaft under lake erie to repair an elevator they used to bring equipment down into the salt mine. We got to the bottom and low and behold a CAT 988 sitting in the corner of the mine abandoned. It looked like it had been through a nuclear holocaust. Rims rotted to the point the tires were flat, hoses extremely dry rotted, cab looked like swiss cheese. It was sad to see such a magnificent piece of equipment left to rot like that. JR
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Sounds like any equipment that works at sugar beet sites, that beet juice eats iron faster than anything I have ever seen, loaders 5 years old are pretty much rusted out and wiring harnesses are corroded to junk like you couldn't believe.I laugh when they put the beet juice on roads and claim it is not corrosive when it is worse than salt and chloride.Just a comment: here in ND there are no under ground mines, all surface coal mines.

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I live in the heart of the rust belt (high humidity and lots of salt) and in 3 yrs haven't had any problems yet. I take them off in the spring and fall and wash and wax behind them. The flares do great for keeping road debris and stone chips to a minimum. JR

I was going to mention this, but thanks to diesel4life, it's done. Either living in the rust belt or not, it is highly recommended to strip, clean, wax and re-install twice per year. There is usually a very small build up of debris and such at minimum that will hold moisture and can rust the edge of the fender or discolor the paint.
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