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Quadzilla Custom Tuning How-To

The Quadzilla Adrenaline allows for a significant amount of custom tuning to be done by the user to alter the way that the Quadzilla ADR commands fueling.    This gives the Quadzilla a significant advantage over other tuners on the market. 


Looking to buy a Quadzilla here is the links back to Quadzilla Power. 


1998.5 to 2000 Dodge Ram Quadzilla Adrenaline $699.99


2001 Dodge Ram Quadzilla Adrenaline $699.99

2002 Dodge Ram Quadzilla Adrenaline $699.99






Side note, if you would rather have a pre built tune to start with you can checkout our tune repository.





It is VERY important to understand that each truck is going to be a little different.  Your truck will run as well as you tune it.  We are more than willing to answer questions about how it works, but putting in the leg work is your responsiblity.  If you follow the Guide posted in Section 3 you should have no trouble making a tune that works well for you.   It is also VASTLY important to datalog while you are tuning.  Compare smoke vs power to the data log to see where you need to add more fuel or pull more fuel.  The Quadzilla V2 tuning is not magic, if you don't put time in to figure out what your truck likes the end result may be less than stellar.  Please also consider if your truck has issues, apparent or hidden, with Sensors / Wiring / Computers the quadzilla platform will bring them to light and will likely not run right until the issues are sorted.  


YOU ALSO MUST HAVE AN IQUAD SETUP, PV1 and PV2 screens are too old and not supported!



If you need to buy a Quadzilla Adrenaline you can order one here.  




Use this Excel tool to let you build your tunes in Excel  Download it and use it when building your tunes.





Section 1: Custom Tuning V2

Section 3: Getting Started with V2 Tuning

Section 4: Example Custom Tunes based upon Injector Size





Section 1: Custom Tuning V2



******* It is important to Note that it is not recommended to stack ANY tuners when using the V2 tuning****



V2 of the custom tuning is the next level of custom tuning for the Quadzilla Adrenaline and the VP44 powered Cummins Power 2nd Gen truck.   


You must have a V2 base tune loaded for these to work along with selecting the V2 vehicle out of the Iquad Vehicle Selection list.  One will not work without the other.  


All the above custom tuning is the same other than power levels and Can TPS Min and Max so I will not go over those again. V2 has everything that V1 has, but more.   Can TPS min and Max are no longer used in V2 tuning as the user can tune CANbus fueling to their own liking above stock, below stock, or at stock levels.   This makes TPS min and max no longer needed.



Change to the Power Levels from V1 Tunes


Quadzilla has introduced a new power level called power reduction as the new lvl 1.  As a result, all V1 tuning levels are moved up one,  Lvl 3, Canbus, has also been modified to allow for on the fly user based custom tuning.

Lvls are now:

lvl 0: Stock with boost fooling

lvl 1: Power reduction for reducing power under stock

lvl 2: Timing / MPG mode with Custom user Canbus for 0-10psi with a max of %100.  Over 10 psi is possible, but only using the 10psi scaling % in the custom tuning with a max fueling of %100 of oem.

lvl 3: Canbus Fueling + Timing including CANbus fueling scaling from 0 - 28 psi

lvl 4 +: Wiretap + Canbus + Timing.  The more levels you have the smaller the jump in power per level.


If you have 7 levels, then lvl 4 will be %33 wiretap lvl 5 will be 66% wiretap and lvl 6 will be full wiretap.


Because of the additional lvl we have increased the Max Level to 6 rather than 5 and the upper limit to 15 rather than 14.  


Lvl 1 now gives you a default of %50 power under the OEM tuning.  This will allow pretty much ANY truck with ANY fueling mods to pass emissions that are based on smoke output, without making the truck dangerous on the road.   Using Custom tuning you can set the OEM fueling to anything between 0 and 100% of stock.  With 100 hp injectors setting this to %80 gives good power without smoke.



These custom tuning settings can be switched on the fly without having to download a new tune.  You can store up to 10 custom tunes on your device.  Here you can see I have 3 tunes, Daily, Race, and Tow. 





Here is the screen shots for the new tuning.













Max Power Levels


Power Levels :  You can set the minimize power levels to 5 or max to 14.  


This will give you more or less wiretap levels,  Note that no additional power is made by setting max levels higher.    Rather setting Max Power Levels higher give you more "steps" of wiretap fueling until the max is reached.  


IE: total power lvls = 5 gives you 2 wiretap levels (Remember to always could lvl 0 in your total lvls), so lvl 3 will give you %50 of wiretap stretch and lvl 4 will give you %100 of wiretap stretch whereas setting your max lvls to 14 will give you 12 steps of wiretap fueling lvl 3 would be 1/12th of wiretap stretch lvl 9 would be 7/12th of wiretap stretch and lvl 14 would be 12/12th of wiretap stretch


Power Reduction:

%0-100 gives the user the ability to fine tune how much power they want the truck to have based upon OEM fueling.  Setting Power reduction to 0 will make the truck only idle  Setting Power Reduction to %100 will make the truck run like stock.  Depending on your fueling mods the truck is drivable from %40 to %100.  A truck at 7000' altitude with 7 x .009 injectors will not smoke with this setting set to %75, the truck is still VERY street friendly.    The emissions people will not question why the truck made only 100 hp as you can set the fueling reduction % based on your injectors to match stock power.  


Remember this setting is in the custom tuning menu so you can use multiple custom tunes for valet mode (%50) or Girlfriend / wife mode (%65) or emissions mode (%75) or anti-theft mode ( %0)





We have added a user defined RPM limit variable.  you can set this between 3200 and 3700 rpm.  Keep in Mind that max RPM will depend on the truck configuration.  RPM Limit will put a limit on wiretap fueling.  Canbus fueling is configured based on if the base tune is HardFuel or StandardFuel.   Going over 3500 rpm should be done at your own risk.  Weak pumps will likely not like being forced to rev beyond 3500.


Hardfuel will try and extend canbus to 3500RPM

StandardFuel will let fueling fall off at 3200RPM.



Timing Related Custom Tuning




Max Load Timing Offset: 0*-3* setting that allows up to 3* of RPM timing to be based on load.  This allows you to tune timing based on a bilinear calculation based on load and rpm.  This setting does not increase your max timing, rather it puts weight on Load. 


IE: if your rpm was 2000 and your max timing for 2000 was set at 19*, your load timing was set at 3* and you are at %50 throttle, then you would get ~%50 of load timing ( 1.5*) which would put your current timing at 17.5* ( 19* max - 1.5* = 17.5*).  Where as if you were at %100 throttle then you would get the full 19* of timing at 2000 RPM.


Same example %30 load, would give you %30 of 3* = .9* so at 2000 rpm you would have 16.9* of timing if load was at 30%


this new timing tuning will give you a significant amount of control over timing compared to other tuners on the market.  



Low PSI Timing Reduct


We have added a new tuning variable to allow for the user to set a max amount of time to pull when TPS is high and boost is low.  Pulling timing will assist in spooling the turbo.  The range for this reduction is 0-5*


Timing Reduction Scaling

0-%100 This allows you to set how much timing gets pulled from the Low PSI timing reduct number set.  You may want more timing down low, but want to pull timing up top.  Scaling function will limit max timing but allow for the map to calculate off of the max timing until that point is reached. IE: if timing reduction is set to 5* and scaling is set at %50 you will get a max reduction of 2.5* ( 5 * .50 = 2.5) but if the map calls from %50 you will get 2.5* at %50.  It will effectively allow for you to reach your max sooner.   the graph below so you how it works. 



Light Load Advance:

This setting allows you to advance timing above the base timing curve if load is low.  Timing advancement is based on load % where as %0 load would give you the most timing advance and as load increases timing will decrease.  After 50 mph there is an additional 1* of timing added ontop of the configured value. 


Most setups should run a value of between .5 - 2.5 * of timing advance.  Play around with this setting to see where EGT's are reduced at cruise state. 


Stock injector to ~7 x .009

- Generally speaking 17.5*-18.5* of timing is optimal for best MPG while at cruise at 55-65 mph.

- Generally speaking 18.5*-19.5* of timing is optimal for best MPG while at cruise at 70-80 mph.

- Tow tunes should use a cruise timing advance of .5- 1*  unless studs are in place.

- If you have Headstuds you can add more Light Throttle Timing for reaching the max MPG

*** ensure you don't overtime the engine in light load situtations.  It is not recommend to go above 19* timing below 2k rpm at high load unless you have headstuds. set your base rpm curve responsibly so that at %100 load and WOT your timing is not dangerous. 


Light Throttle Load Limit:

This setting it to set the high load limit for light throttle timing advance.  Typically this will be set between 2-30% engine load.  Once this limit is reached the Quadzilla will not use Light throttle timing, and only use fuel load and TPS reduction together to alter the base timing curve defined in the "rpm Timing Max" settings.



RPM Timing Max

Users are given 5 timing settings to set max timing at,  It is  VERY helpful to data log OEM timing to get a grasp of what your truck is "safe" to run.  Leave the Quadzilla on Lvl 0 and do a run with various driving styles.  Make note of timing at 1500 rpm, 2k, 2.5k etc.


1500 rpm: Typically users will want to keep this between ~13*-16* ** Keep in mind that OEM timing is referenced for sub 1500 rpm timing.  You might see timing above or below your 1500 setting at light throttle. 

2000 rpm: Typically users will want to keep this between ~16*-20*

2500 rpm: Typically users will want to keep this between ~20*-25*

 ** please consider the risks of running high timing, Typically stock tuning allows for up to ~26* at 3k rpm.  There are benifits to going higher, like reduced EGT's but be aware of the risk.  If you are running studs then the risk is nominal.  Most other timing boxes on the market will max timing if boost is up after ~2500 rpm

3000 rpm: Typically users will want to keep this between ~25*-30*    ** if you want upper end power then setting your 3k to 30* to max timing will help.  Consider the risks involved with extreme tunes

Max: Typically users will want to keep this between ~26*-30*


 ** please note that setting timing higher than suggested may lead to headgasket issues, please ensure you have supporting mods, IE studs, before venturing outside of the recommendation.




Boost Related Custom Tuning



CanBus Custom Tuning

In the Custom tuning menu, there are an addition 25 new Custom tuning variables that allow you to set a % of power level above or below stock.  The range for this is %50 - %150 You will need to configure this for each psi leading up to 30psi.  From 0-16psi is a % per psi above 16 psi is % for 2 psi.     It is possible to tune any truck with any injectors to be very clean.  Typically ~%70 is the lowest usable % and %130 is the highest, but this will differ from truck to truck.  Trucks with VERY large injectors may have a Canbus curve that is below %100 for the entire curve.  


Truck with near stock sized injectors will typically set this number above 100% increasing as the PSI increases, trucks with large injectors can set low PSI scaling under %100 to clean up off boost fueling.   You will notice some increase in lag due to this, but you are able to make fine adjustments to get power where you want it throughout the power range.  


The best fueling curve will typically be the smoothest curve to reach full fueling when at WOT.  using %112 will max out fueling on the upper end.  The bigger your injetors as the more gental you want you curve.  





If you want V1 like tuning and you have stockish injectors add 110 to the PSI level you are editing. IE: 0 psi = 110%  5psi = 115%  10psi= 120%  


Wiretap Tuning



Max Pump Stretch:  sets the upper limit for Wiretap Fueling time.  Typically 2200 is the max on the aggressive tunes.  This is what allows for the calculation of how much pump fueling to use.  Remember that you are setting the max amount of fueling.  This fueling time is altered by many different inputs such as, but not limited to, boost, rpm, APPS, etc  on v1 base tunes lvls 3 - max divide the max stretch by the span IE: if you have 10 levels total 4-10 are wiretap so you have 7 lvls of wiretap on lvl 4 you get 1/7th of additional wiretap fueling, lvl 5 you get 2/7th and so forth. 


Setting Max Pump Stretch higher may reduce total power while increasing Torque under the curve.  If you want upper-end power you would not want to set this to the max.   If you want low-end torque you would set this higher.   Typically people find that 1600-2000 is the happy spot depending on your injector size and driving style.  Smoke output will be increased by setting Stretch higher.


TPS scaling functions:  By watching TPS / APPS input from the driver the Quadzilla can adjust the fueling curves for Wiretap fueling.  This is helpful to tune the Quadzilla to your driving style and can help cut down on low end smoke.  



TPS Pump Max:  This allows for you to set the upper limit for TPS input for wiretap fueling.  Wiretap fueling does not stop at this point, rather it peaks at this point.    Using the max and min settings you can move the wiretap fueling area around within the 0-100% TPS range.


TPS Pump Min: This allows for you to set the lower limit for TPS input for wiretap fueling.  Wiretap fueling will not start until this point is reached.   Using the max and min settings you can move the wiretap fueling area around within the 0-100% TPS range.


Effectively by settings the max and min you are compressing %100 of the fueling between the max's and Mins.  


IE: maxs at 75 and min's at 25, or cutting the tps range to %50.   You will effective double the fueling ramp up once %25 tps is reach until %75 TPS is reached.  At %75 TPS input fueling will max out until %100.   No additional Power is made, rather the unit can tailor itself to your driving style.  This can be used to help low-end spool or help with City driving to keep power down.  If you set the min above your typical DD TPS input you can disable fueling when you don't need it.



Minimum Pump Tap Fueling Percentage: 0-50%   This Tuning variable is to set a low limit % for wiretap.  Caution should be used when setting this setting in your custom tune.  If you set it at %25 you will get no less than %25 of wiretap at any point in the map at WOT.  Setting this high will make the truck smoke, but can be useful when creating a Race tune.  Normal DD tunes should likely use %5 or less.  Smoke free tunes should use %0.


Pump Low boost Scale PSI: 0-25 psi This set the low limit for the wiretap fueling map.  If you set this at 0 your wiretap will begin at 0psi.  If you set this at 15 your wiretap map will start at 15 psi.    Set this variable to whatever PSI you want Wiretap to begin fueling. ** Please note that Boost Scaling V1 tuning cannot set lower than this setting.,  The ADR will add 5 psi to the v1 Boost Scaling if you set them the same.



Boost Scaling: 20-40 psi  Allows you to set the point at which fueling is maximized based upon boost levels.    Setting this to 20 will give you fuel fueling at 20psi, assuming tps min / and maxes are met.  Boost scaling is calculated along with TPS scaling so in order to have %100 of fueling both need to be met.  This setting defines the Y axis of the wiretap map, 20 psi means your map range is 0-20 psi 40 psi means the map is 0-40 psi.   Keep in mind that your pump low boost scale PSI setting defines what "0psi" is.  IE if pump low boost scale is set to 5psi and your boost scaling is set to 20 psi, then the wiretap map will be 5-25 psi.  





These new custom tuning features are in addition to the V1 custom tuning, so if your TPS is set high that you are currently at you will not have fueling.  All custom tuning mins must be reached for any fueling to happen.


This Video covers the above tuning












Section 2: Getting Started with Quadzilla Adrenaline V2 Custom Tuning



if you would rather have a pre built tune to start with you can checkout our tune repository. we have lots of tunes that cover various configurations



When you are starting to use V2 Tune on your truck you should follow these steps.  

1. Find your starting %

2. Set your base map

3. Fine tune your base map

4. Set your Wiretap start point

5. Set your Wiretap Fueling %


This tuning should not be done on busy roads or in any place that risk of crashing or hurting others. A back country road is recommended.


Save your tune after EVERY change.


Don't forget you are able to create more than one custom tune so you can setup a race tune or tow tune or DD tune.  Tune your custom tunes with something in mind. Don't try to make the truck do everything on one tune.  


Step 1.

If you have stock injectors you can set this to 100% or above so you can skip this step and move to Step 2.


Use LVL1 and the Power reduction % to find a good point for the CANbus fueling %.  For 50 hp injectors start at %95 and move up or down by %1 depending on if you get smoke when you snap throttle from 0-%50  while in gear.  Find a reasonable % for smoke output vs low-end power.  Remember this is to handle off idle power.   ENSURE WHEN YOU ARE TESTING YOUR STARTING POINT YOU GO %100 THROTTLE INPut.  You want to set your smoke level as WOT.  This will give you the most resolution in your throttle movement.  IE: if you truck maxes out fueling at %30 throttle, what's the point of the other %70 of throttle movement.  Make %100 fuel %100 throttle.


Good starting points per injector size ***use only as a guide you will need to go through some trial and error.
50 hp injectors %95

100 hp injectors %90

150 hp injectors %85

200 hp injectors %80

250 hp injectors %75

300 hp injectors %70


Once you have found a good starting point Set your 0 PSI % to this power reduction % and set your Power Reduction scale to a % that you want to allow for a valet mode or antitheft or emissions or whatever for reduced power.


Step 2.

Set Quad to Power LVL3

Once you have a good starting point defined for 0 psi scaling increase every % by 1 as you move up in psi.  As you hit 10-15 psi you can move up by 2 or 3 % per psi until you max out at ~%130.  You will notice that the Canbus HP limit is somewhere around %130 depending on the truck and the mods.


This should give you a good base fueling map to fine tune your truck by.


Step 3.

Once you have your base map do some 0-%50 APPS take off's on LVL3 only.  Pay attention to Boost numbers and smoke output.   a video camera is very helpful.  ENSURE YOU ARE NOT AROUND OTHER DRIVERS OR PEOPLE WHEN DOING THIS!!!!!!


You may notice puffs of smoke as PSI climbs, reduce the % at that psi point by 1 if smoke is too much.  If the truck feels laggy at a given PSI increase by %1 until your truck feels good.  Keep in mind that smoke from the tailpipe may cause flooding of the turbo.  A truck will respond best when there is a slight haze under high throttle input.    Don't be afraid to use high TPS input to get the truck moving.  That is what the throttle pedal is for!


Tweak your 0-30 settings until you are happy with how the truck drives on LVL3


Step 4.

Once you have your CANbus tuning done move to wiretap tuning.  Wiretap fueling will increase power significantly when it is used.  Depending on your wants you can set low limit fueling for wiretap.  This will allow for smoke reduction when wiretap comes on.   


Set your low limit for a PSI that is above your normal DD / cruising PSI.  IE if you drive to work every day and don't normally hit 10 psi  set your low limit above 10 psi.     If you want wiretap fueling when you typically drive set the low limit below that.  I would not recommend setting this below 5psi as smoke control is much harder.  Remember low limit allows for wiretap scaling below that point.  TPS min also comes into play so set your pump TPS min at a point that makes sense for your driving style / needs 


Step 5.

Timing tuning is a little tricky and should not be taken lightly.  I suggest that you keep your timing tuning configured as

1500 max: 14*

2000 max: 18*

2500 max: 22*  

3000 max: 25*

max: 26*


UNLESS you have time to do a good amount of data logging and figure out what is best for your truck.  Keep in mind that aggressive timing can cause issues. The above should be considered very safe on pretty much any truck.  OEM timing will hit 26* in stock form.  What you will find however is under the curve power will be improved by adjusting these settings.   


Step 6.


Once you have set your low limit for Wiretap fueling set your scaling.  This scaling will set how much wiretap fueling is added before the low limit is reached.  If you want no wiretap before the low limit set this to %0, if you want half set this to %50 and so forth.  


Typically I leave this between %15 and %25 depending on how aggressive you want the truck to feel when DD'ing the truck.    Setting this % higher will increase smoke output off idle.  







Section 3: Custom Tunes based upon Injector size

Visit this thread for a list of Users custom tunes.  




This has some pre built tunes for various setups and needs





Here are videos showing before and after the V2 tuning



If you find this helpful throw a donation my way. %95 of the things I do in regards to Quadzilla are to support the community and I receive no payment for the work. 



- Me78569

















User Feedback

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   0 of 1 member found this review helpful 0 / 1 member

Oh My,  This very helpful, Thank you.   I knew this was going to be work, good thing I enjoy working on & with my truck. (most of it)  Anything I need to do to remove the smarty tuner?

So far (think I almost have it figured out) my list is going to be: Quadzilla with Iquadbt & boost fueler & fuel sensor,  Boss Mech lift pump, 100HP dap injectors, new cross over lines, VP44 with new electronics & 2 year warranty,  BD Stealth kit (for VP44), cummins remote fuel filter/water seperator, stock lift pump relocator. (Boss Mech works with the stock lift pump for prime)  Have a couple other items to add & It could all change by tomorrow. 

(no jet ski this year).lol

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Just awesome! Thanks for all the work Nick!

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   3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members

This right here is a thing of beauty. If me78569 is ok with this, I am blatantly going to rip this off for our website (just like I did last time).