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I just replaced the fuel sending unit to get the fuel gauge working and I forgot to put these plastic washer on :banghead: , and the bad thing is that I noticed when every thing was back on the good thing is that the gauge is working. Should I take it apart again ? :ahhh:



Well I think it is from the part were the little net is on the bottom I took it apart because it had alot of black stuff in it so I was trying to clean it and when ever I was putting all back I forgot it.


I think it was inside between the screens theres a little thing that goes between them like a little tube that touches one of the small circles on the bottom screen. I don't think I got the lift pump inside the tank because theres one by the engine right below the filter.

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Well knowning that I would consider pulling it out and replacing it then... Why? Because if your running a stock pump the only pre-filter is that sock screen now. so if there is a way for the dirt to pass it it will... The worst part is if there is any metal debris in the tank then the metal has a chance of by-passing the screen and going right into the lift pump and sticking to the magnets of the lift pump motor. This in turn will take the chance of locking the lift pump or wearing the motor brushes out. Remember since the stock lift pump bypasses fuel there the motor chamber that means the debris is cirulated around and around the motor of the lift pump... Boy I'm glad i got a AD150... Filter before the pump and a filter after the pump... And then the pump motor is not bathed in diesel fuel like stock Carters...


I don't remember this part either. If the screen is on and clipped in ok - I think it will be fine. Do you have any existing fuel pressure sensor for the stock pump ? even low pressure warning light ?I would get rid of that system though and go with the airdog/fass and drawstraw approach - now way I am doing another $1000 on a vp44 :) Plus makes me feel safe when I am modifying with chips/exhaust/intakes etc to get extra HP :)

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