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I have two 1/8th pipe fittings in top of my fuel filter one is towards the side and one is closer to the center. I am guessing you want the fuel pressure that has just passed through the filter correct? If anyone has pictures please post so I don't mess this one up. Thanks CD

post-98-138698165081_thumb.jpgi have a big line kit on there. my 90* on the VP44 is tapped, so that is where i get my reading.i believe the one on the closest to the front bumper is the one AFTER the filter


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Actually I have the big plastic screw lid. What kind of filter does the cast model take? Spin on?

Actually its a drop in cartridge like ours but you got to drop the bowl away from the mount to remove the filter. Where on ours its a plastic screw lid. The filter look almost the same.
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