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Well... Tales from my day... I went into town to get fuel for the Cummins and on my way back home I desided to stop at the local rest area for a pits stop. Well I got out of the truck and notice a older indian gentleman sitting at a table making fishing nets and said "Hello". Then went on about my business... Then walked back out and he asked " Are you local?" I replied "Yeah..." in a kind of confused tohught... He ask what I did for work... I told him that I'm a diesel tech and computer tech... His eyes got bright! He's replies "I got a job for you..." The job... 1996 Chevy S10 pickup - Overheating and coolant leak. I ran home got my tools and headed back... Before I left thoe house I called the local Chevron station to see if they had a t-stat... They had 1 in stock! Well talk to the gent about the issue and the t-stat and I could get one... Well now back to Riggins, ID to get a t-stat... Now I return and pop the old on out without much problems. The old t-stat was rusty and gummy like the valve would hang up as you pressed against it. Then as I was digging around the engine I found the heater hose right at the block had got small pin holes in it and bleed just a bit of coolant to make it smell bad but dry up with the engine heat... (Good find there! :thumbup2:) Just as I finished the gent's nephew shows up in a F-150 Ford pickup. He start explaining about me fixing his truck. Well now the Nephew ask me about a lack of power on the initial take off... I told him it sounds like a vacuum leak. Well I popped the hood and pull the air filter housing right off the bat I found 2 vacuum lines that broke from some where... Then found another rubber hose that split open... So using fishing lead we plugged the broken lines for now. So he fires it up and you can here a good hissing leak yet... I asked the nephew if he had starting fluid or carb cleaner... Lucky! He had some behind the seat. I sprayed the manifold and guess what... It Revved up... Blown intake gasket... Since I don't have the means at that time to pull it apart I knew it would still take him anywhere its just got to be nice to it... So I got paid some cash and a big ol' Salmon fresh today! :thumbup2:post-2-138698166057_thumb.jpg

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You worked on both their trucks? Must have had quite the day lol. Sounds like fun though. How many miles is it from your house to the nearest gas station anyways? Awesome that he gave you a salmon. Cash is one thing, something he might have spent all day to catch is another! Nice work :thumbup2:

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You worked on both their trucks?

Well older gent yet I change a thermostat and cut the damage end off the heater hose. The nephew I found that he had bigger problem than I could fix in a local rest area. (10 miles from home)

Must have had quite the day lol. Sounds like fun though. How many miles is it from your house to the nearest gas station anyways?

Hmmm... There is a Mom and Pop place less than 1 mile from me that I won't buy fuel at because the tank is above ground and the pump are in the weather with the tank... So Chevron is 15 miles to the north of me.

Awesome that he gave you a salmon. Cash is one thing, something he might have spent all day to catch is another!

Shoot... I wish I had my camera with me... (Shame on me)... He had a huge plastic box full of them. His nephew went up in the mountains to get snow to keep them all iced down... He had like 20-30 salmon in this box. Then he takes them back up to Washington state ans sell them for $30 to $40 bucks...

I got one of the bigger ones.. :drool:

Nice work :thumbup2:

My day in a nutshell...:thumbup2:


Sure wish folks were like that around here. If I stopped to help someone, I'd sure as hell have my Glock on my hip...........legal or not!!!!:smart:


What I wanna know is.....how was that salmon? :drool: On the heat issue, unless you can conceal it very well and I mean to the point that NOBODY knows you are armed, it is a bad idea. I sympathize and agree with your point about how people are nowadays, but most Americans are hoplophobic and have a cell phone. A call to 911 will yield a poorly trained, trigger happy, authoritarian/ego disorder stricken, cop scream at you to get on the ground. NOT how you want your day to go.

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What I wanna know is.....how was that salmon? :drool: On the heat issue, unless you can conceal it very well and I mean to the point that NOBODY knows you are armed, it is a bad idea. I sympathize and agree with your point about how people are nowadays, but most Americans are hoplophobic and have a cell phone. A call to 911 will yield a poorly trained, trigger happy, authoritarian/ego disorder stricken, cop scream at you to get on the ground. NOT how you want your day to go.

As for the heat... At this point in time its hidden in the truck quite well... Out of site out of mind...:smart: As for the Salmon it's gutted, cut into steaks, and frozen...:lol:

I've got a CCW permit from Florida. It allows me to carry concealed in, I think, 30 states. Sad part is, "The Peoples Republic of Illinois" really has no effective form of on-person carrying.....even with my permit.

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You might want to check around again... I remember seeing a news article saying it legal to carry conseal weapons in all 50 states now... I'm not 100% sure but I'm sure I remember seeing article about...


Yeah, I read a story about something like that. It seems that Utah by default is in the gun permit business now. :lol:http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSN2512638620100628 http://www.cbs7kosa.com/news/details.asp?ID=20256 http://www.kvue.com/home/Gun-permit-loophole-97271659.html Gun permits are a bunch of BS. Neo-statist progressives think gun permits give you the right to carry a firearm. I gotta news flash for that mind set. The right to self defense is a natural born right that existed PRIOR to the Constitution and 2nd Amendment. The Second Amendment was added because of statist bozo's who don't comprehend Natural Born Rights. Do I jump through the hoops to get a gun permit.......yeah, but I still think they are BS.


You might want to check around again... I remember seeing a news article saying it legal to carry conseal weapons in all 50 states now... I'm not 100% sure but I'm sure I remember seeing article about...

Not in "The Peoples Republic of Illinois". I know for a fact, because I'm involved in several organizations that are trying to get "concealed carry" here. Even with the latest SCOTUS decision in the McDonald case, there is no concealed carry or open carry here.

The latest SCOTUS gun case decision is and embarassing truck load of horse manure. It does nothing for the most part other than over turn an outright gun ban and returns the case back to the appelate courts for Chicago Dailey anti-gun machine to yet again tinker and tamper with our Natural Born Right to keep and bear arms with more ridiculous and pathetic gun classes, beaureacratic paper drills, and range requirments.

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