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I have a buddy with a '97, NO power to his guages or dash, radio, or cam. Runs fine but... ? He pulled the codes this is what he got. 9141 Keyword 2000J1850VPWAny help? Is there a way to find the codes means? thanks.

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Ummm... That isn't valid... That appears to be J1850 (Network type) and VPW (Communication type) Little more info... http://www.elmelectronics.com/DSheets/ELM322DS.pdf You might try the key trick and count the flashes on the check engine light. All codes are double digit. So a typical end of list is a 55 code.. 5 flashes - short pause - 5 flashes - long pause... (Demo of what it looks like) As for power issues... Check the fuses... While your checking the fuses make sure you using a test light or DVM because I've seen fuses the haven't blown but have cracked. So cold it might work fine but after some load then it quits...


I admit i'm not a 12v guy (fan but don't know about them much), however.... whatever he is doing with that code reader is all the info I have to ask you guys. IF I understood him right... he said that the code reader he has made him do the key trick then these numbers and info. showed up. So .... I was just wondering. Any help would be nice.


What is a "cam"? I don't remember if it killed my gauges or not but I know it killed everything else so look in the fuse panel and check the IOD fuse. It is the lower left one that might have a fuse puller on it. It controls a lot of stuff, kinda a "master" fuse. http://www.mopar1973man.com//isx97/Truck%20Stuff/Ryan's%20Dodge/Interior/Other/Fuse2.jpg http://www.mopar1973man.com//isx97/Truck%20Stuff/Ryan's%20Dodge/Interior/Other/Fuse.jpg


Just to show ya... I'm using my Mom's 1996 as a test subject... :stuned:


OK wow thanks.... i will try this first hand soon and get back to you.... sorry this as of now is all second hand.

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