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Your Bank...


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Yeah and no...


Personally, I don't have a lot in the bank. Yes, it bothers me to know that CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) is discussing the digital dollar that can be controlled by the government. Truth is that other countries already tried this and the country revolted against their own government and that system failed. I know that precious metals (gold and silver) are going to have way more value in the near future.


Do you wonder where I'm finding this information? How about the very platform that the US Govt is attempting to ban, TikTok? The reason why the US Govt wants to ban TikTok is that TikTok is owned by China and the US Govt can't stop the supply of information coming from private people here in the USA. The secret is out and news of the coming bank collapse is occurring in real-time. You might know about SVB (Silicone Valley Bank) but there are several more banks ready to go under.  There are already bank runs on several California banks and it just going to get worse as time goes on. The stock market is going to dive most likely in the weeks to come and the value of the dollar is going to dive as well. 


Being I'm mult-purpose person I can go about anywhere to find a job. I've got things I can trade for money or food. 


Just consider that when it falls apart there will be no bills or any way to pay for bills so be prepared for things like the Internet, Power, Phone service, etc being cut being there are no banks there is no way to pay for bills or for even a company to receive monies for bills. 


Then you look at the Fair Tax law coming they want to abolish the IRS and Income tax. I've looked it up and it's been introduced and on the table for discussion in the Gov't.




Edited by JAG1
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 All I know is I have the knowledge to keep food on the table, heat when it's cold and can provide services to make money or in trade for food or supplies. The people will relearn very quickly what the barter system was. 

 The ones that try to steal their way through will learn a very tough lesson as well.

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Did you notice they got 149,000 in employee bonuses just before it failed. Somethings not right. Word is, it was a bank with woke policies  and equal inclusion rather than good Biz sense.

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