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hey all this is my first post on hear my queston is where can i go to and get my pump turnd up and get more black smoke mor than i have now dont get a hole lot and want more and i cant spend eney money doing this because 1 dont have mutch monney 2 have a baby that will be hear eney day i just wont a little more horse power than stock with out dumping ahole lot of money into the truck but i live in grangeville idaho so if eney one knows eney one around hear or can tell m how to do it let me know thaks i have a 95 dodge 12 valve it looks like this

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tell me what u think of my work in progerss

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Ahhhh... I did see that truck... :thumbsup As for turning up the smoke that really easy. http://mopar.mopar1973man.com/cummins/2ndgen12v/inc-pump/inc-pump.htm But as what you wife was telling me you trying for the MPG angle. So if you going for the MPG I would look at getting the injection pump timing bumped to 16* BTC and you might look at changing plates at the most... I love those stacks... Huge! But I think you need a single color on the truck... LOL


I had my timing bumped up there too. Haven't really tested it till now on mpg. If you want more smoke you can do a couple things depending on when you want the smoke. Playing with the plate will get you more smoke after the turbo lights up. Playing with the starwheel will give you a lot of smoke when you lug it and step on it. Starwheel is very easy to do.


Here is the thing one will have to remember....With the addition of smoke comes more power and heat.If you do nothing to manage either then all the smoke in the world means nothing to you expect lightening the load in your wallet with wasted fuel.More power means more stress on the driveline,more smoke means less fuel efficency.There is a fine line on 12v trucks where fuel economy goes away to get to power levels above stock.Now keeping in mind he doesn't want to spend any money I would tell him to do little or nothing more than a good tune up.If the truck is a automatic since its a 95 then I would not go over a TST #6 plate(230hp/605tq) and if its a 5spd then a TST #8 plate(230hp/605tq) as they will give you the most power without driveline issues.Add a touch of timing and a AFC tune up and you should have enough smoke and power to not hurt your driveline or your wallet,over that and you will learn fast the saying..."Cubic Money"....AndyP.S.-"Cubic Money" is a term used to define the slippery slope of HP you will end up on once you get the need for more.The slide starts slow and speeds up the further into a project you go and there is no end of the ride in sight,LOL.This one you will have to trust me on.

  • 3 months later...

i agree with everyone else but 1st thang to do is gauages and if its a auto get a TC and valve body or a manuel upgrade clutch but other then that everyone then that everyone has said iti dont think the paint job is too bad but everythang else is lookin good whats the tires on it?

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