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Global Warming Fraud


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So it's the sun's fault! I don't know what to think of the whole ordeal. All I know is we have been having a lot of very hot days followed by very cold day (for the time of year). A couple days ago it was 72f, last night it was 28f and the hi yesterday was 40. We've had weather like that for a couple years now. This year we have probably got as much rain in this year as we have totaled up for the last 3 years.. It has just been raining at least once a week lately. The last couple years you wouldn't be able to tell anyone when the last time it rained was, that's how long in between rain showers it was. I don't think the rain has much to do with anything but the huge temp sways are very strange.

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Here is update to this...


Gore Flees in Panic from Chicago Book Signing

November 25, 2009 (LPAC)—Not since Henry Kissinger fled a team of LaRouche organizers, in the back of a delivery truck in New York City's Central Park in the early 1980s, has an obese fascist moved so fast to escape an angry crowd, as Al Gore did today in Chicago. Appearing at a bookstore in the downtown Loop, Gore was confronted by a team of demonstrators from a grass roots group called "We Are Change," as he was signing his latest fascist screed on the global warming swindle. Gore bolted from the bookstore, raced down an alley, jumped into a waiting car, and tried to speed off, with protesters chasing after him and banging on the car. Midwest LYM organizers, who were also on the scene to confront the global warming swindler, provided an eyewitness account of Fat Albert's flight of fear.

Make no mistake about it. This little encounter is typical of the kinds of things going on all over the country, as the fascists who brought you the near-destruction of the United States and an onrushing global Dark Age, are no longer walking the streets, smug in the belief that they are literally getting away with murder. The mass strike dynamic is playing out in thousands of ways, every day, and the recent revelations about the "smoking gun" emails from the East Anglia University global warming propaganda center, have made Al Gore's life a little more miserable.

As Percy Shelley wrote in "The Mask of Anarchy," "We are many, they are few."

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The Little Ice Age is a good topic to bring up with global warming folks. It ended in the 1800's and lasted for the 300 years. So given that it lasted from approx the 1500's to the 1800's we should be reaching the summit of natural global warming around 2100. Then tapering off to more "normal" climate conditions. Either way I do not believe that the United States should ever involve itself in foreign affairs, our founding fathers warned us about this. So if this about the Copenhagen Treaty I say no. If there is a real problem we will handle it our own way, not the way the world wants us to do it.

Edited by cummins2k
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The sky is falling the sky is falling.

The earth was much warmer that it is now when all of those dinosaurs roamed around. Then it cooled off "global cooling" and a ice age came.

"It is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. Global Warming; It is a scam. Some dastardly scientists with environmental and political motives manipulated long term scientific data to create an illusion of rapid global warming. "

John Coleman

Sure go drill into the ice caps looking for a carbon dioxide history, there were no ice caps when the dinosaurs roamed the earth.

Ice caps came with the ice age. or after all of those volcanoes erupted.

Speaking of volcanoes, One big eruption can spew out as much if not more nox, sox & carbon dioxide as industrial revolution did.

"However, the models also predict unambiguously that the atmosphere is warming faster than the surface of the earth; but all the available observational data unambiguously shows the opposite! "

David Douglass

"Would you bet your paycheck on a weather forecast for tomorrow? If not, then why should this country bet billions on global warming predictions that have even less foundation? "

Thomas Sowell

Posted Image

see a pastern?

I still think there dating is way off, jmo

Edited by SnoFarmer
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last year or so they dropped the "GLOBAL WARMING" label which the news has not been so quick to pick upnow its "Global Climate Change" btw my climate changes 4 times a year how about yours? The idiots eating this stuff up will not think far enough in the future or past to see the patterns, and the news will help to perpetuate it by talking about all the crazy weather that happens on a regular basis all over the world.Had the first snow in Riverside area last year for about 10 years. it was weird to see my hills with a little flurry of snow that was gone by 9AM. HMMMMM... must be global climate change.If it weren't for movie stars, weather and price of gas there would be about 1/2 the conversations in America.

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goodness gracious....i'm against government stepping on my rights, but corporations are not people and should not have the same rights as i do! we as individuals have a right to know what companies are doing to our earth. do you think our planet can support us with no trees? i have always thought that "global warming" was a hype....but who did it hurt? i read rants about how they should prosecute Al Gore like they did Bernie Madoff.....but did al gore steal anyones savings? did he have the intent to hurt someone, or was he trying to give his opinion? people get bent out of shape over the little things, but no one is outraged we still have our sons, and friends dieing to satisfy our greed? people pad data all the time(i'm not saying it's right) just look at wall street. how can someone call themselves christian, when they care not for the world god gave them dominion over? will we fail the next forbidden fruit test? just because our planet isn't warming doesn't mean that cfc's were good the whole time. just my 2pennies

Edited by guesswho512
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the bad thing about global warming is that it leads to a title wave of taxes, penalties and unreasonable projects all in the name of "Green" that affect all of us (think of this Green as the new "God" for the leftists and it will make sense as many try to take God out of everything and then replace it with their own idol of sorts). Now don't get me wrong we have a responsibility and a stewardship over our wastefulness and pollutions. I volunteer to pick up trash along roads, I try to do the 3R's Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, (funny in this land of consumerism the only one they talk about now is recycling) and I have not purchased a hybrid vehicle where the manufacturing carbon foot print is goliath and there are hundreds and hundreds of pounds of lead acid to dispose of every 5-7 years..

Browning a philosopher stated in his book "To the extent that scientific models [Global whatever] inspire us and produce commitment, they lapse into a quasi religious attitude". Basically they are no longer objective and become attached to a cause and do so with religious fervor.

check out http://www.drroyspencer.com/climate-confusion/

he wrote

Climate Confusion: How Global Warming Hysteria Leads to Bad Science, Pandering Politicians and Misguided Policies that Hurt the Poor

it is reviewed by readers here with a decent summary.


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sorry for the rant...everyone is entitled to their opinion and anger. i am not a AL GORE worshiper, but i do not see how you can condemn a man for his belief or for trying to positively change the world he lives in. it would be like getting mad at Jehovahs knocking on you door, trying to "save you". in the end....they are trying to do what they see is right... i believe the people in the wrong were the ones how hid/manipulated the information. i think people just get angry and try to pin it on any face...just to illustrate a point...i was at a resturant for dinner, and the table behind me was debating health care...and one person said "my grandma's premium's went up because of Obama's health care reform"...and the whole time i'm thinking....that is crock because nothing has been passed or signed. not trying to change subject. but her premiums went up because: she's old, her insurance company is greedy. but they pin their anger at any face.i will see if that book is at my library. from the excepts on that page, it would seem that Climate Confusion: How Global Warming Hysteria Leads to Bad Science, Pandering Politicians and Misguided Policies that Hurt the Poor is as one sided as Bill Maher's Religulous. if these men's opinions are correct than everything is jesus has been one big hoax.

Edited by guesswho512
reseached that book
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