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Fuel pressure gauge..


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I'm thinking of putting a fuel pressure gauge in my '06 to keep a eye on the lift pump pressure,I figured running a stock setup, fuel was probably the most critical to keep a eye on. I wasn't sure if a 30 psi gauge was enough, so looked i've been looking at some 60 psi ones, I'm interested in this one. http://www.jegs.com/i/JEGS-Performance-Products/555/41042/10002/-1?parentProductId= Where is a good place to plumb this in , and will I need a 'T', or is there a blind plug somewhere I can tap? Thanks!

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Looks like 30 psi will be plenty then :thumb1: Is the petcock in there to bleed off pressure? I'm assuming ,no hardware comes with the gauge , so what will I need to tap into the system? The "banjo bolt" way of tapping doesn't apply to the CR system right? So I would need a T at the filter housing or tap into a line?

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That petcock is actually a needle valve. This goes inline before the gauge to protect the gauge from the water hammer the pumps create. You will also need some fuel rated plastic line. I believe 1/8" is plenty big enough. That's what I run at least. The only other things you will need are the fittings to put it all together. I personally don't know about where to tap the gauge into on a CR cummins. Someone more intelligent than I will have to fill ya in on that.

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