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Posted (edited)

this data was taken a little while ago...the out door temp was ~24f. the truck was already warm and i drove approx 5.25miles...the section in yellow that says "in 4th" or what ever was pedal to the floor...i also notice that the map starts at ~14.7. tell me what you think.

highway 24f.xls

Edited by guesswho512
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ohh yea..the speedo is off because of the tires...8.398% too slow...ie Actual Speed:60 mph--Vehicle Speed Sensor:55.3 mphi think you can see how movement with no covers on the grill effect intake temps

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Not bad... Great tool for logging information kind of like my ScanGauge II but your is a laptop data tool!... Now as for the IAT temps start with a cold engine and note the outside temp on there and then drive till it warms up then you see the IAT starts at the same temp as outside but as the coolant temp rises the IAT temp will rise too. But since you coolant is on the cold side you offset is going to be less. So taking a guess at your data logs and the data given the temp for the day was about 35*F right?

Posted (edited)

the outdoor approx 24F and i was coming home. as you can tell from the data, my truck was already warm.(my data from the trip to that location was lost when that program overwrote the log) i did notice how the iat and ect was nearly the same as outdoor temp at cold start...i think i even saw the grids kick onmy question is....even tho that 4th gear pull was pedal to floor...i only saw 71%throttle position. does that seem right or do i need to adjust my apps? also at idle, not touching pedal, i see 7%-9%.does anyone know how it calculates load? does the map sensor seem accurate to anyone(someone suggested that they looked low). thanks for your opinions

Edited by guesswho512

i took another trip today. i tried to get faster refreshes...but i believe the J-9141 is the bottle neck. the ccd bus is NOT the same as the CAN BUS but really similiar.(CAN BUS is required on 08 and newer,or so i heard). the ccd bus uses a funny baud rate and i cannot readily find a way to get to that speed(yet).:banghead: the first file has 300 or so seconds is warm up before i left. the second file is almost get right on highway, ~5miles, then exit highway and kill the software. the approx outdoor temp was ~28f guys with stock trucks and gauges...what #s do you typically see for boost and where is the probe at? the peak i saw was ~18.3, but that is from the MAP sensor...thank you everyone https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AhHyLR2_DBOgdFdkZ2VhQkdnUWgzVjFENU91Slg2RXc&hl=en https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AhHyLR2_DBOgdFBqSEtRWnc4OFN6UnQzdDR5NThDOWc&hl=en

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