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If he thinks he can win the Republican nomination for president, then I'd say that he goes for it. However; if he's considering running on a 3rd party ticket, he's essentially guaranteeing "The One" of a second term as president!!!!The conservatives need to try to take over the Republican party from the "wishy washy" moderates that don't stand for anything but will be persuaded to do anything!!!If Ron Paul runs as a Republican for the presidency in 2012, I'd vote for him in the primary as of now. I reserve the right to change that however because there aren't too many conservative Republicans saying they're running yet.


Damn Skippy right Ron Paul should run, even if he has to run as an independent. I am DONE holding my nose and voting for the lesser of two evils so the Marxist Democrats don't win. Their is not a dime's worth of difference between the Dems and Republicans. They are different wings of the same Progressive party.


no...but everyone i know who donates money to him says he is going to....i agree with liveoak....those 2 parties should merge and so they can both waste money happily. the only reason they can't is they would have no one to blame their screw ups on.


Since I started this thread, I say "Hell Yeah" He should run. How else are we gonna control the progressives on both sides? By putting another one in the white house? As far as the dislikes, is there any one that was agreeable 100%. As far as BO might win again because of a party split, it takes alot of sacrifice to achieve the important things. When you think about all the people that died for this country, I bet they wish they were still alive, even if it meant living through a second term of BO. America is ripe for a 3rd party.

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