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So here is the outlook on this years spring season. BLEAK!What's worse is it was almost 70F friday, looked like this when I woke up today :lmao: It's like walking through corn flakes because it is right around 32-33 so there are thin layers of ice, then snow, then ice..




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It sucks to be you... :tease: I've gotten my trailer out repaired a few thing on it, added a new trailer jack, changed the tires, add a spare tire, and even made a hanger for it. Mixed up a batch of old engine oil and diesel fuel and mop the deck. (redneck weather treatment). Snow line is up at about 5,000 feet for me... But my house is at 2,800 feet... I might have to grab a camera and run up the hill behind the house and get a few pics... Gorgeous out yesterday... :thumbup2: (65*F and clear light wind 5 MPH) http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?site=boi&textField1=45.24133&textField2=-116.33183 Even better yet the Robins are in the yard sucking up worms...:lmao: Taz called yesterday after working on the ranch to tell me the snow is melting at 5,000 feet and be ready to start cutting firewood in about 2-3 weeks! (If the warm weather continues!) That is early but it will be nice to get the firewood haul done before it gets hot!


Don't get ahead of yourself, might not have anything to do when summer hits :lol:This kinda evens out our averages for good and bad days though. We had a couple freak 70F days in december and january.

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Don't get ahead of yourself, might not have anything to do when summer hits :lol: This kinda evens out our averages for good and bad days though. We had a couple freak 70F days in december and january.

That's the whole idea... this wil be my first year that my summer isn't filled with chasing forest fires and working 12-16 hours a shot. this summer I plan on going it the back country to fish and camp out using my ATV. Like this lake I visited last summer for a day trip.

Ah, didn't think of that. I didn't fish all last summer either. Went down to the pond a week ago and watched the million bluegill nibble at it. So overpopulated that it doesn't support any of the slower bigger fish. Need to get one of those gar I always catch down at the lake and throw it in there :evilgrin: This is the biggest thing I have caught thus far. Nobody else was out but me, 30F end of November.. Broke my line when I finally got it to shore so I had to jump on it and try and get it in the bucket. Hard to do when you can't feel your hands :lol: Was 22" long, not sure how much it weighed. Caught a few more stripers after that one. Usually go for crappie.



It sucks to be you... :tease: Mixed up a batch of old engine oil and diesel fuel and mop the deck. (redneck weather treatment).

Anything oil based that I drain out of my vehicles (motor oil, atf, differential lube, etc., and even vacuum pump oil from my refrigeration biz) goes into the fuel tank of my home oil burner, And it is used to heat my home and make hot water, it is blended with no. 2 fuel oil. I have been doing this for 20 years, the detergents makes the boiler all white inside.

Man that S*cks. I'm hoping this thaw holds here. Our yard was soggy & we blocked of the worst of the driveway with traffic cones (just happened to have some. Were originally gathered for horse training/competition.) There are some deep ruts in the driveway but they can be pushed back in when it dries out. When we built our house, we paid close attention to the waterproofing & installed French drains while the excavation was open. Being 3/4 of the way up a steep hill, the drains just run out down hill. I wasn't worried much about flooding... Our dear daughter, Sonya & grandbaby Aleah are on the second floor of tripple decker outside Boston. (Sonya's DH Freddie is in DC). We figured the third floor is high & dry... no worries. Well, the runoff from the street flooded the basement. The power was out on the first floor (don't ya think the GUYS living there would have called the landlord when their lights went out?), furnace is flooded. Sonya had large rubbermaid bins in the basement stacked 3 high... they floated & tipped over. Sonya took the baby to day-care & called out of work so she could be at the appt. The tenants rescued the waterlogged property from the basement & sorted whose it was. Sheila picked Aleah up from day-care after working all day, took her to the apartment & stayed... went to another wake on the way home... arrived here 10:30 with her car loaded with wet baby clothes. (The noise ringing in my ears is the constant washing machine slosh.)The ground must be saturated as Sonya reports her basement still has water coming in... There's no sign of water entering the yard though there's a river running into the catch basin in the street. We're thinking the drain has failed. We'll get through this. Sheila is having good success with the clothing washing, running multiple rinses to get the dirty water out before washing & drying. We've got a couple of days of work ahead of us.Sonya posted on Facebook that they are not running a yardsale! LOL! When Sheila arrived, all sorts of things were spread around the yard draining water & hopefully drying. I guess a sense of humor is essencial under trying circumstances.I know there are people's whose homes & business's have flooded or washed away. I realize that we've just had a taste of it... my heart goes out to those who've been devistated.<<< sigh >>>Russ


Dang Russ! Looks like you guys have had a lot to deal with lately. Good to see that everything is working out. Someone I know in Michigan said the water table is so high that his basement flooded (no sump), said he hadn't had an issue for 20 years, then he had 2ft of water in his basement. That was a few months back. We have definitely made up for being below the average rainfall around here. But things are looking up, all that ice already melted off my truck :woot:

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Ah, didn't think of that. I didn't fish all last summer either. Went down to the pond a week ago and watched the million bluegill nibble at it. So overpopulated that it doesn't support any of the slower bigger fish. Need to get one of those gar I always catch down at the lake and throw it in there :evilgrin: This is the biggest thing I have caught thus far. Nobody else was out but me, 30F end of November.. Broke my line when I finally got it to shore so I had to jump on it and try and get it in the bucket. Hard to do when you can't feel your hands :lol: Was 22" long, not sure how much it weighed. Caught a few more stripers after that one. Usually go for crappie.

Here is one of the spot I want to get into to start fishing... http://forum.mopar1973man.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=688 There isn't a road for 20 miles... You either got to walk in, ride a horse or ride a ATV in...
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Mike, are you talking about that watering hole out there? Cause otherwise, I don't see any water at all.

Yeap... That Morgan Lake... what actually occured is that I past my turn in the trail and went up the mountain too far to nearly another lake. Give you a clue... Go to Google Maps and type in Pinehurst, ID and then look due east from the highway. Keeping to spring thread... This is my goal to get back up in here and fish the back country lakes...

My hat's off to anyone with the patience to fish with a rod & reel.

OMG, how old was I in this picture? Flounder was a victim of a spear gun...

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Sorry about the old picture but it's the only one I could find with me & a fish. Shoot, & skinny too!

Dad was not a fisherman... it just wasn't compatable with boats with sails & ropes... I went with a friend fishing Block Island... I ended up running the boat & never touched a pole while the boat's skipper prevented the loss & damage to his tackle by his other guests...

I can about guarentee Nick would not have stood still for a fly pole swishing around his ears. We were down that swift Spring stream & did not bother the fisherman at all.

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Some of the re-enactors claim to do well with handlines from a canoe in proper colonial fashon.


It's been raining cat & dogs... now more like ponies & horses. Our already saturated yard has big puddles everywhere... new water just not soaking in. The streams & rivers that had just gotten back in their banks... are now out again. ~3" of rain in 24 hours with another 1-2" expected. The forecasts are for a peak tommow night. We're all going to grow web feet before this is over.

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So you got our storm coimng now... Well on the other side of it should be good weather for awhile. :thumbup2: Kind of sucks to get stuck in the house for rain shower and can't do anything then the weather clears up and now Mopar Mom and myself get sick with a Spring Head Cold. I'm getting cabin fever so bad I ready to bust out of this place hop on a ATV and head for the hills for a couple days. At least for me I have my periods of feeling strong in the morning and get the chores done and get a little personal work done too. I managed to complete my ATV trailer / Wood hauler. I going to have to get my camera out today and get a pic of that. Then I managed to install a Timbo APPS so I could do a write up of the Timbo APPS (Still need to do the write up). Then for some weird reason this spring I took interest in my old 1977 Dodge Jamboree Motorhome (360 CID 2 BBL 727 Trans) sitting in the shed. The interior needs some good house cleaning but the old beast still in good shape just need fluids topped off and the batteries replaced. Oh yeah Taz's called me that he's getting itchy to find a exhaust brake and get ready for wood hauling. Like the daytime highs are around 50-55*F and would be sweet for working in the woods.

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