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Saying things no one wants to hear


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As the human race has evolved to be so advanced in some ways we are still by nature the most primitive of all species as we have never evolved past being one of the extreme few as a species who can kill each other for no reason.

I do not agree with her at all on the use of violence as the only way to defeat anyone no matter the circumstance.


She also has no more knowledge of the Muslim religion than any other standard red neck after listening to her, even within the Muslim religion there are different beliefs much the same as in Christianity here in western cultures dissect the bible into different meaning so do the Muslims have this same issue, one need not look past the Kurds and Sunni relationship, ongoing wars over nothing more than how each views the same essential Islam religion.


What are these NADS she refers too?????:whistle2:

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One thing is for sure, muslims have been killing each other for thousands of years and continue to do so today. They kill each other for simple fact of believing something different, that ain't right. I've known a couple muslims kids in high school and college, and they were honorable and peaceful. But, they all hated Jews and were brought up that way. I haven't heard any good muslims condemning the bad ones. Not acting or not speaking up is acting. obama doesn't want to defeat isis anyways so we don't know if trying to cut them off financially would work. Brute force seems to be the only option because they won't stop for anything else. 

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