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Just got paged out to a house fire which actually was a RV. When I arrived at the scene the owner managed to put the fire out himself on the RV. So from that point it was a matter of inspecting the RV for any remaining smoldering material.

What I learned about this... Make sure you inspect around your furnace for anything that might burn like dust and lint build up. Look and see if there is any electrical near the furnace ducts or anything might get hot. Like this particular RV was a toy hauler and had the furnace stuffed between basement storage and the entry door. Most of the electrical is ran near the furnace area. Always use the proper sized fuse for all your 12V accessories. Check the vents on the outside for debris in the burner vents. Mud daber nest could possibly create a fire problem. Always check your exhaust vent for sign of sooting which is a burner issue.


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We once had a hard side/tent hybrid trailer.  The beds laid to the outside and a tent trailer style canvas popped out to form the sleeping space.  It was really roomy as the sleeping areas didn't take up room inside the trailer.  When the beds were stored they created great storage pockets.  We would stuff blankets, pillows and sleeping bags up in there.  One day I went in the trailer and it smelled like someone had lit a match.  After scrambling to find where it was coming from I pulled a sleeping bag from that area and it was on fire.  I had pushed it up against a light and it turned on.  It was like that for just over a day.  The plastic light fixture was a melted pile of goo and the wall's paneling was scorched black.  The bag burnt forever outside on the lawn until I put a hose on it.  That was close...too close.

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